Mission System Part 1: Linear Tutorial - 09/04/22

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One of the biggest issue that our server faces is attracting new players. While we have an incredibly dedicated player base with many people who have played on our server since years and even people who come back after year long bans, new players often find it very difficult to get started. Think about the first time you joined the server, it likely took you a very long time to figure out many of the mechanics of the game and you were probably only able to do so with the help of other existing players or by looking up guides on the help website.

Today's update makes a first step in addressing this issue by introducing a mission system that features a linear tutorial starting automatically when you first join the server. It is designed to teach new players some of the very basics of the gamemode without them having to ask for help.

Players who already joined can start the tutorial manually from the new Missions App.


The tutorial makes new players explore important areas of the map and teach them things such as how to use their phone, how to purchase properties, how to craft. The tutorial mission line was designed in cooperation with the community managers (@Tyla Jai and @Efan).

Currently only the most basic concepts of the gamemode are explained in the linear mission line. We will slowly add more non-linear tutorials that players can then choose to accept from within the mission app, for example how to craft drugs, weapons, etc. At the end of the tutorial missions you will also be prompted with a survey to give your opinions about the missions, please feel free to give us some feedback so that we can improve the experience for new players.

While this update primarily focuses on helping out new players, we are planning on adding missions for our long term player base (in fact this was one of the main reasons we wanted to develop the mission system). The mission system is setup to work with these kinds of missions already, but they are yet to be implemented. If you have any cool ideas for some missions please let us know!

I would also like to thank everyone who helped playtest the missions so that we can fine-tune them to best help new players:
@Jack Bruhross
@rogue for making the app icon
Some sweater I forgot the name of
Anyone else I forgot

Other changes
  • The Mini Copper now only costs $1000 (since it is a requirement for new players to buy one in the tutorial)
  • The Mini Cooper was swapped for the VW Beetle as a player reward for joining the Discord
I also added a close button to the shop menu for this update @Bolli
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If anyone wants to post some mission ideas then pop them in this thread or make a suggestion.

Ideas that encourage org vs org RP would be great!
If anyone wants to post some mission ideas then pop them in this thread or make a suggestion.

Ideas that encourage org vs org RP would be great!
One of the many ideas I gave Fredy was organisations being a mission for new players once they go through the linear process of teaching the basics. They should have a mission to join/create one. Organisations that take new players into their hands to fullfill their mission (or missions?) should also receive a reward for letting them join to encourage them further to stay and play.

Of course that mission would need some requirements to fullfill instead of getting a reward then instant kicking them once the mission is over. E.g. spend several days in the organisation, grow drugs in an organisation owned building or anything else, once they're all done you (org owner or the whole organisation) and them should get some kind of reward for helping the new player out.

As for more experienced players (org vs. org) maybe some competition of some sort of who would grow the most contraband in a timespan. Don't think there should be a mission on who gets the most kills in a 'org war' but about who gets the most profit that stands out from their rivals. Even a fishing competiton as a mission would do lmao
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If anyone wants to post some mission ideas then pop them in this thread or make a suggestion.

Ideas that encourage org vs org RP would be great!
has a spreadsheet of a bunch of mission ideas, this is from 2 years ago though
For just 1 cent a month you can help Fredy afford a grammarly subscription to stop making horrendous spelling mistakes on every mission :bag:
Make a mission where players have to go over to the gun store and shoot, make them learn different mechanics of the weapons.
Also make one about fishing if you haven’t already made it as fishing is also a good way to make money.

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