Nate Jone

absolute hero of pepreadl paralake city

wont forget when you posed for those pictures but i was too lazy to anything with them

o7 , the craic is zero : (
Hello guys :D
Today I am resigning from Moderator :cool:
I had a great time as Mod, some really funny moments and to be honest I wasn't expecting to get it. I'll be busy over summer working and whatnot and probably won't have anytime to be on at all really.

Thanks to @Max for believing in me
Thanks to @Nate for being the colest perp player eva
Thanks to @ENAD and @ssssij for
and thanks to all da staff team and da players, you so totally rock!
free da boys

anyways deuces :penguin:,
Nate Jones

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You better come back soon Nate! But best of luck with everything, I’ll miss you on the team :(