Need some wifi router antennas

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Yes I'm here again asking for a suggestion
I'm currently looking for some wifi router antennas to those who don't know what I'm talking about its this one
right now price does not matter so please suggest and great antennas
Why do you need antennas, i'm gonna need some more context before i give you suggestions for something you dont need.
Why do you need antennas, i'm gonna need some more context before i give you suggestions for something you dont need.

After @Jericho made a pretty good description of where I could live,
Bad jokes asided I would still say it's close to what I live in (except it's a farm with some okay furniture so not entirely no true). And right now I'm lost for options. Well not entirely lost for options I only have 3(ish) as of now I don't have fibre, the satelite wifi option is to expensive and I'm not sure what else is available at my current home.

option 1 is to get some new antennas to my mobile broadband router

option 2 get a never router since my current one is about 3 years old now

or option 3 find something else than Fibre
After @Jericho made a pretty good description of where I could live,
Bad jokes asided I would still say it's close to what I live in (except it's a farm with some okay furniture so not entirely no true). And right now I'm lost for options. Well not entirely lost for options I only have 3(ish) as of now I don't have fibre, the satelite wifi option is to expensive and I'm not sure what else is available at my current home.

option 1 is to get some new antennas to my mobile broadband router

option 2 get a never router since my current one is about 3 years old now

or option 3 find something else than Fibre

Do you have access to asdl2 internet?

Do you have access to asdl2 internet?

Basically phone line internet, but dont get confused with dial-up. Just so a google search for your area.
Get yourself a TP-Link Archer C9. Should fix any issues you have :) Unless speed is your problem.