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Topic: Search at a certain point

Short explanation (in notes):
-Be searched at the interrogation rooms when being arrested and taken to jail.
-Be searched at interrogation will give more time in role play.
-Will add more realism to the server.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...): This would just be one of those little things that can help the server and make it better. Would make the role play more realistic than just taking a person to jail without searching him/her. Will get people to search than just through a guy in jail, which would add more realism and role play. Would get people to stop abusing the jail addon where when sent to jail it takes all illegible items out of persons inventory.

Optional additions:
why would this be needed? What if the interrogation rooms are full? What if you/the person said in OOC: Ok hurry up i have to go when I'm jail. This will just add an unnessecary amout of time. Theres a pretty wall in jail lobby, why not there?
I think this would just cause an unneeded amount of effort and would detour from people going to jail. Although I do not think it is right to search people while they are still on the streets, I do not think having to search then in interrogation is a good idea. Maybe it would be better if you extended it to the Police Department in general rather than two specific rooms. Illegal items currently do not get automatically confiscated before going to jail but most police usually search the suspect before going to jail anyways.
Considering convicted criminals are always searched and given prison clothes when going INTO jail, i dont see why this would need to be changed. I might just be me but i have no real idea on how this would add any realism into the server, to me it seems to be just un-neccesary and would rather waste time. I feel that if an officer wants to search them either in the Jails, or the Interrigation rooms, then they can.

Suspects mostly get searched when they are at the jail cells but only if they believe it is necessary there are two interrogation rooms if you have been a cop for sometime the ammount of arrests made is big.

-Support this is not needed prisoners are searched IC due to jail protocal, Interrogation suspects are always searched.
Obviously you need to search a a suspected person for items that has taken part of a previous robbery or crime in general. Maybe it adds up more time for the suspect, however it is a Roleplay situation, and you shouldn't do a crime while not being extremely sure that its safe to so without getting busted if you're planning on leaving IMO.

Interrogation rooms are being used quite often, they are places for a suspect and a couple of officers to talk about a case and get as much information about it. Lets take an example of FBI irl, they use interrogation rooms for almost every case with a suspect.

However of you don't want to RP before going to jail, just go -support it.
Edit: Forgot to mention that, if a suspect gets searched at the crime scene, then you would probably just need to interogate him.

@Puffy It depends if you're an experienced cop or not, if you want to RP or not and so on. I have spent around 40 minutes on being cop, then I reports the guy and got him a ban or something. So it all depends if you're patient or not! :)
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I search suspects for weapons on scene and then in before jail. If the suspect is wanted for murder I pat him down for any more items at jails inorder to protect other prisoners and then I might find drugs. If so I just add that up to the charges
Would just take up extra time, also it would be very hard to do with a noncompliant citizen.
Do like Daymon said; Search them once on scene, then before taking them into jail. Most do it down by the NPC, underneath the TV on the wall. Bringing them into interrogation and searching them there can be unrealistic. People aren't searched in interrogation rooms, they're interrogated, hence the name.
It is standard protocol for officers to search suspects, anyway. If you don't actually do it, you may get a verbal warning from the lieutenant or sergeants, complaint from other officers, or even demotion for neglecting to search people. It is already considered a rule, as it says here:
"4.3 Perform Duties- Government employees must at all times perform their duties to the full extent of their ability."
Searching suspects is part of your duties, and neglecting to do so, will mean you break rule 4.3
In real life before entering prison they are searched generally in the lobby before the cells. Adding this rule will slow down arrests and make pointless roleplays situations where patting the guy down would of done the trick

I cannot imagine why this rule would need to be added at all? Searches can be conducted anywhere depending on the purpose of the search, obviously we don't allow them in stupid places like on the highway etc. but there are laws in place to restrict that.
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