Not going to play anymore.

Reaction score
Yes yes, I got demoted once again, @DB KILLER hope you're happy now

The main reason for me playing perp is the pd, and I see no point in continuing it since I'm not going to get any progression because of my record or get promoted in 2,5 years and demoted on the same day.

Yes, it was my fault, but really why are people laughing about it....

What you see is "Ermak is a shit cop ahhahahah he should get demoted ahahahahah" what you don't see is "Ermak grinds for half a year constantly anxious and afraid of doing something wrong, as soon as he relaxes he does something wrong and gets suspended, gets more anxious and stressed, gets demoted and gets even more stressed plus loses all the grinding he's done for the last half a year"

Honestly right now for me it's just a waste of time and mental health since it's like Groundhog Day... Grind for half a year, get demoted, repeat.., and I'm not gonna do it again.

People say "Chill out man it's just a game" but I put a giant load of time into it and it's really important to me and seeing it all slip away in the blink of an eye is the reason why im sitting right now on the verge of crying.

If it's just a game then either make progression easier or remove long term damage punishments like demotions, replacing them with temp blacklists.

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with the juicy bone.
Silence the pianos and, with muffled drum,
Bring out the coffin. Let the mourners come.
Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling in the sky the message: “He is dead!”
Put crepe bows around the white necks of the public doves.
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.
He was my north, my south, my east and west,
My working week and Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song.
I thought that love would last forever; I was wrong.
The stars are not wanted now; put out every one.
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun.
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

hope ur happy now retards just remember ur criminal boners ruin perp for other people smh
I mean you're still an officer right? What does it matter just keep playing
Because it's just a waste of time and mental health for me. this record obliterates my reputation and chances of getting promoted. I'd become even more of a laughing stock that I used to be. And if I finally get promoted, I'll fuck something up and get demoted again.
how can you get demoted so many times i've been a sergeant and never even got a complaint until i said fuck the academy and that was a different story
I laughed at you on the PLPD shoutbox, and I'll laugh again. 'YOU' are the sole reason you've been demoted, someone else made the choice to demote you since they could clearly see your lack of competance in being a corporal within the PD, 'YOU' have commited those actions which have led you to being demoted and suspended from the PD. Yes I feel bad in some ways but In the end you've got to realise its your fault and Its just a fucking game, of course you might feel butthurt because all the time you've wasted has been fucked over. But you've wasted your own time, 'YOU' FUCKED UP. Leaving Perpheads wont fix anything and you can still have fun as a civillian. In all honesty, I wish you the best of luck and Im expecting to see you back on perpheads anyways.
I laughed at you on the PLPD shoutbox, and I'll laugh again. 'YOU' are the sole reason you've been demoted, someone else made the choice to demote you since they could clearly see your lack of competance in being a corporal within the PD, 'YOU' have commited those actions which have led you to being demoted and suspended from the PD. Yes I feel bad in some ways but In the end you've got to realise its your fault and Its just a fucking game, of course you might feel butthurt because all the time you've wasted has been fucked over. But you've wasted your own time, 'YOU' FUCKED UP. Leaving Perpheads wont fix anything and you can still have fun as a civillian. In all honesty, I wish you the best of luck and Im expecting to see you back on perpheads anyways.
Oh look! Someone made a shitty mistake which definitely outweights all the positive stuff he's done in the past and he feels really bad, LET'S LAUGH AT HIM! Honestly kenty, I thought we were friends kenty but honestly you're just a hypocrite.
Oh look! Someone made a shitty mistake which definitely outweights all the positive stuff he's done in the past and he feels really bad, LET'S LAUGH AT HIM! Honestly kenty, I thought we were friends kenty but honestly you're just a hypocrite.

Go fucking cry already, Im laughing at you because you're acting as if you did nothing. You finished off a fucking unconsious suspect.. and acted as if it was no biggie.
Oh look! Someone made a shitty mistake which definitely outweights all the positive stuff he's done in the past and he feels really bad, LET'S LAUGH AT HIM! Honestly kenty, I thought we were friends kenty but honestly you're just a hypocrite.
Yes lets laugh at him because you're absolutely stupid breaking like the number 1 rule of the PLPD
I laughed at you on the PLPD shoutbox, and I'll laugh again. 'YOU' are the sole reason you've been demoted, someone else made the choice to demote you since they could clearly see your lack of competance in being a corporal within the PD, 'YOU' have commited those actions which have led you to being demoted and suspended from the PD. Yes I feel bad in some ways but In the end you've got to realise its your fault and Its just a fucking game, of course you might feel butthurt because all the time you've wasted has been fucked over. But you've wasted your own time, 'YOU' FUCKED UP. Leaving Perpheads wont fix anything and you can still have fun as a civillian. In all honesty, I wish you the best of luck and Im expecting to see you back on perpheads anyways.

arent you one of the boys saying perps too seriously and here you are with your rage boner against this kid man grow up
how can you get demoted so many times i've been a sergeant and never even got a complaint until i said fuck the academy and that was a different story
Depends on your reputation really. If the majority of people who are known today to disregard peoples hard work over the fact of them getting arrested and they like you then they couldn't give a shit if you do something 10x worse than whatever Ermak did. But in the case for @ErmakDimon a lot of the community dislike him which as horrible as it sounds it's the truth I'm afraid so that means people will try harder to ruin/make it harder for Ermak in his time in the community. Getting him demoted, Makings ARs on him in which they normally wouldn't for others and rating the majority of his posts dumb. I know this might be hard to believe but if your sympathetic and open-minded enough you will gradually realize this after noticing a type of pattern in how certain amounts of people react/view him. I have heard people say some quite disrespectful things about Ermak behind his back and even to his face. If I am totally honest I feel sorry for him as yes he fucked up but he is only human like the rest of us and I see no point in punching a wound.
Fact is people will remember you for what you did wrong rather than what you did right. Salty folk exists everywhere and is especially to be expected on PH.
Now, I haven't been on the server for like a month and a half or so (and even that was just to fuck around a bit), but it's a damn shame what has happened to the PD
FAm, the PLPD system is fucked. Just remember, it's only a game. Don't take this too hard on urself
Quit PERP the fact you have placed such a huge emotional investment into it is unhealthly and clearly you need atleast a prelonged break to get outside and socialise to get back to reality.