Officers shooting out tires of vehicles while they're parked

Should police be allowed to shoot out tires of vehicles?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not during bank robberies

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Except the police are a government agency and not just some other criminal organisation. They have protocol that they have to follow, if they didn't there wouldn't be much point in having a police force at all. Calling people babies because you decided to take a 50/50 chance of A: shooting a criminals tires or B: shooting a civilians tires and them getting pissy about it is just you trying to avoid the main issue entirely.
And you're making assumptions that I'd shoot out a car's tyres out without confirming it belongs to someone who I believe beyond reasonable doubt has the intent to use this car to evade capture so they can continue to cause harm to fellow officers, the city and members of the public.
*shoots tyres out*

[OOC] Officer that just died: Why are you still in the area?
How is it less salt? It would be permanent and it would make the vehicle again useless. The point is not about the 1k we have to pay. The point is about the escape.
middle of a bank robbery shootout 'ye lemme clamp this guys car real quick'
I've reported people for this before, it never goes anywhere despite it being against policy
its aids, they have no idea who the cars belong too without metagaming of some form
Let's just start spending 15 minutes on an IA complaint just for it to get denied because "Officer didn't do anything wrong".
There has to be an easier way to report these officers breaking this policy that doesn't take 15 minutes of uploading evidence, getting names, filling out the "what happened" part and so on.
It's called a supervisor. Go to them, even better if you have evidence. Ask if you can speak to them in private inside the PD. Take them hostage and demand your ticket to be removed. And solve it out that way. That's the faster or easier way let's say.
They cant confirm anyone in there because realistically you would be either masked or let someoen else place ur escape vehicle
Yes, let me just go right up to the crims shooting me and getting to their cars to place down spike strips that only last 4 min before they auto vanish in thin air. Give me 5 spike strips then that last 15 min and i'm okay.
Yet supervisors tell you to make an IA anyway when the officer justifies their story!?!?!?!

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