OrAnGe mAn BaD!

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United Kingdom, Devon
See a handful of "All your org does is raid" / "Stop raiding all the time" - this isn't necessarily just my Org but to people that enjoy the Criminal side of perp (Including @JER & @Mage 's org too)

To the people complaining about the state of Crim RP what is needed to fix it?

What other activities must our organisations get into to make you happy?

How do you set yourself apart from us in terms of RP (What makes you better at RP than us)?

Just curious for a discussion regarding the state of criminal organisations on the server and what the community wants us to actually do, will take all constructive criticism on board. Feel free to add any other concerns regarding my organisation so I can address them in one post as it seems people are getting heated on posts unnecessarily.
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I mean people that raid is making it fun for other people since they get into a shootout n shit.
It fucking baffles me how this was even made a problem... people are literally complaining about an org constantly raiding like wtf has this even come to? In 2015, you got raided and that was it, not start crying zerg or that an org is too powerful (oLsEn). It is beyond me that you, the leader of an org, has to make a post like this asking what the community wants you to do. Keep doing what ur doing and all the little crybabies will adapt eventually ... after all PERP is not what it used to be as the primary source of fun on the server is usually getting into shootouts all day. Keep raiding within the rules and all the people who are complaining are gonna start improving themselves when they realize complaining wont get them anywhere.
Whilst raiding etc is what I enjoy, fighting the currently low player-base could be a bad idea. The mass amount of complaints I get both in the server and out of it are what has led to this post being made. Keeping org members within the rules is always a priority, don't worry about that ;)
They want us banned and that's the sad part. They would rather sit at PD and whine about how we break rules than do something in the gamemode. e.g @DwarfBitch
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I mean I'll keep some thoughts to myself but here's my 2 cents.

People feel like they are targeted because there is simply a playerbase problem. This being caused by the PD safespace leading to a lack of civs and the general lack of unique daily players which has been a problem for almost 2 years now and it baffles me how it hasn't been combated yet. A huge blunder 3 years ago in banning Tyla (not the cheating ban) made him stop making YT videos on perpheads, which were amazing and gave exposure to the server, and were the main reason I got hooked in. Nobody else really does or did that ever since and as a result there are hardly any new names sticking around for a long time compared to before. Something has to be addressed about the player count by either community members themselves or the senior administration otherwise it just won't end well if you want the server to be enjoyable as you currently can see there is hardly any diversity in the players that raid/get raided which makes them feel targeted I suppose. Somehow getting the server's name out there and making videos showcasing the server will do wonders, and maybe releasing the fucking help resource after... 4 months. Come on.
Not to say I'm one of the people complaining, but I find it kind of sad that so many people see shootouts as the most fun you can have on the server. I mean, in that case, is it really an RP server, or just an elaborate game of Team Deathmatch?

But is this an issue with the players, or the server itself? Does something need to be added that can make playing on the server just as fun without constant raids and shootouts? I don't know. I don't personally do anything criminal on the server anymore (when I ever actually play, which is quite rare), although I did it nonstop in the past. And sure, back then no one really complained this much, but I have no clue why that actually was. Was it because everything was cheaper and easier to get/make (drugs, weapons, etc.)? Markmanship wasn't a thing, so perhaps it's because everyone was on a more equal footing? I got no clue.

That's just what I wanted to say
Just ban the person who made the org to start with ez fix

tbf maybe stop acting like 14-yr cringelords in looc or ooc. And perhaps reevaluate how raiding should be done - back in "2015" nobody raided with 5 bombs each raid like now. If somebody raided with a bomb it was mad shit nowadays u barely get to shoot or have proper gunfights and actually utilize your defense or whats left of it. The defenses have been stripped down so much it shouldn't be a problem raiding without bombs and maybe then new players would be able to stand a chance. Just pretty excessive overall imo :eggonface:
The banning of Tyla was a great shame, as a sweater I loved watching his videos and it was the reason I even entered the PD. The player-base issue seems to have way too many excuses: "Its exam season" - "It's summer" (sorry wtf is that for an excuse) - "Gmod is an old game" player-base and current development are going in two different directions and the input of the community isn't as valued as I'd like it to be.

A great idea that me and @Ayjay spoke about was simply adding poles to decisions and letting the community decide it entirely, this is unlikely as the entire Senior Administration team would have to agree along with owners & devs however I believe it would be a step in the right direction.
I believe a part of toxicity does stem from the fact you lose a lot more compared to before, still no excuse for the flaming in OOC as hypocritical as I may sound.
ez fix :kappa:

LOOC & OOC drama has been addressed to my members and I've told them they will be kicked if they continue, given a fair warning but lets see how it goes.

Due to me never playing in 2015 what was the reason for bombs never being used? Too expensive? Harder to craft? If you are able to tell me why perhaps a suggestion can be made regarding what made them become a normalised way of opening a door.
Don't remember much having changed other than please correct me if im wrong but it required a weird combination of genes (?). Obviously the economy back then was completely different which is the main thing.
@Loejseren Money has become way too easy to make, I remember even in v3 M82's were slightly rarer. Now every kid and their mother has one, an economy reset wouldn't be accepted but perhaps sky rocketing prices could be a good idea.
People simply planned raids more so bombs weren't required. I remember when Feng and Loejseren used to duo raid, that was mad shit getting rekt by them, no bombs nothing, just patience and sneaky beaky. I think people just got lazy and saw that bombs give them instant satisfaction because (especially when slingshotting was possible) you could wipe a whole base out with 3-4 bombs, even though it means a harder time defending vs cops people just want their free win on the people defending for a quick ego boost because heaven forbid they lose.
@Mage Players evolve and become smarter, bobby 1000 doors and you will successfully open around 10. The success rate is unbelievably low and going 'sneaky beaky' although fun isn't achievable anymore. All people have rain sound disabled, flankers, 100 people in their base. Trust me, I love doing 2v10+ raids but the game mode and playerbase has gone a tad too far.

Me and @MachineGunO would always go against 'zergs' for fun and come out winning 90% of the time but as previously mentioned, can't see it being fixed.