OrAnGe mAn BaD!

plpd bad
rp bad
orgs bad
bazaar bad
staff bad
devs bad
tfu bad
drugs bad
cars bad
bazaar bad
no criminals bad
no orgs bad
more carrots bad
more orgs bad
ia bad
ayjay bad
map bad
pd policy bad
guns bad
marksmanship bad
money bad
suggestions bad
rules bad
laws bad
construction booklet bad
economy bad
culture bad
big orgs bad
fun bad
rp names bad
regals bad
dcod bad
cod bad

complain good

On a slightly more serious note, people want to find a reason to be dramatic.
Half of the people in this community get a fucking hard-on for it. They're the same kind of people who'd rat out the fucking jews in their basement because rules are rules.

I had the name Valeri legasov in game and people genuinely make reports for this, people who've been here for 1+ years
the politically correct attitude in the comunity sucks aids and if you actually bow for it you get threads like this, completely valid ofcourse.
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the reason i loved the old whitelist(anyone can go cop, and you were whitelisted for SGT/LT for the newfags) because you didnt have to tryhard and bootlick, you could create your own 'police world' without a virtual 'internal affairs' breathing in your neck, and people actually appriciated that.

imagine coming home from a shitty office work envoironment where you have Karen from accounting reporting you to HR because you explained how Word works in a rude way, only to come home, play PERP and getting a virtual HR telling you off for being rude
Depends what you mean by role-playing. People get bored of passive rp and it isnt a long term solution and I don't think peoples attitude to the rules so they play more realistically would bring more organisations.
since whitlisted PD it's been more about your overall personality, didn't want to say reputation and who you know not what you know for promotions and ranks ect. That started from the first people given high ranks. I don't think any of this will bring more orgs though but I could vent all day about what I dislike about the PD.
@Daigestive what i mean is, actually perserve shooting someone as a last reserve try to roleplay it by talking it out. Passive RP would make sense if the bazaar place was actually populated. Shooting someone should always be a last reserve, i dont get why i should be explaining role-play to you. PD is another problem hopefully there can be more strict rules against ruining peoples roleplay by not correctly RP'ing a sit out. @Ayjay
@gLaCiAl when cops can shoot anyone fleeing after a shootout what do you excpect. But when people shoot a cop fleeing they get warned or banned. Great balance. Nothing would change and thats just changing how rules are looked at like I just said.
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today i will work in vladimir lenin nuclear power station

wait is that graphite?
We're obviously going to complain when we don't like something. It's easy to say others are dramatic when things are fine in your own eyes.

this meme is sponsered by random micromod gang
The real reason you can't invade Australia is because it doesn't exist. Australia is not real. It’s a hoax, made for us to believe that Britain moved over their criminals to someplace. In reality, all these criminals were loaded off the ships into the waters, drowning before they could see land ever again. It’s a coverup for one of the greatest mass murders in history, made by one of the most prominent empires.

Australia does not exist. All things you call “proof” are actually well fabricated lies and documents made by the leading governments of the world. Your Australian friends? They’re all actors and computer generated personas, part of the plot to trick the world.

If you think you’ve ever been to Australia, you’re terribly wrong. The plane pilots are all in on this, and have in all actuality only flown you to islands close nearby – or in some cases, parts of South America, where they have cleared space and hired actors to act out as real Australians.

Australia is one of the biggest hoaxes ever created, and you have all been tricked. Join the movement today, and make it known that they have been deceived. Make it known, that this has all just been a cover-up. The things these “Australian” says to be doing, all these swear words and actions based on alcoholism, MDMA and bad decisions, are all ways to distract you from the ugly truth that is one of the greatest genocides in history. 162,000 people was said to have been transported to this imaginary land during a mere 80 years, and they are all long dead by now. They never reached that promised land.