Orange People Ruin the server for New People

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Since the first day, I joined the server I have gotten raided by them. I get raided by them more than once every day. I constantly see them raiding so many people. How is this allowed? It ruining people's experience on the server. It sure as well ruining mine.
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Since the first day, I joined the server I have gotten raided by them. I get raided by them more than once every day. I constantly see them raiding so many people. How is this allowed? It ruining people's experience on the server. It sure as well ruining mine.

Olsen is known to raid people, they have a lot of weapons and their members are highly experienced. As long as they don't raid you more than 2 times in an hour than it's fine.

Try getting more experienced yourself by raising your firearms, investing in genes, and levelling your marksmanship.

If you can't handle this part of the game than you should just leave overall if you aren't happy.
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Since the first day, I joined the server I have gotten raided by them. I get raided by them more than once every day. I constantly see them raiding so many people. How is this allowed? It ruining people's experience on the server. It sure as well ruining mine.
You say they ruin the server for new comers by raiding as If they are targeting them even though when I base, I am still waiting ready for the raid to happen. It is nothing to do with who it is whether they are old or new, It is just the fact it is another base to raid and get guns
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My whole point here is that they need to STOP raiding the poor freshy's that has diddly squat to what they have. Its so F*CKING annoying when you just get enough money for seeds and they come along with F**KING BOMBS and blow your SH*T UP and take everything.
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Try getting more experienced yourself by raising your firearms, investing in genes, and levelling your marksmanship.
Can't do that when yah got no money.
Listen up you narrowminded *****. Do you think all of us just spawned with unlimited resources???? We was in your shoes once, and guess what? We didn't cry about it, instead we made sure to kill every stupid motherfucker who stepped onto our property.

Back when "Orange People org" started, it was only Abdi and I. Do you think we liked to just sit and relax why all the big orgs ruled the city? Of course we didn't. We single handedly raided bases with 20+ people, and of course we rarely won, but we gave them a hit worth our money. This was mainly because big orgs has not improved since then, and still contains nothing but potatoes who can't aim for shit.

If we could not win by going "no russian" into the bases, what then? Well then we baited the shit out of them, and killed them in many many many 180 confirmed IQ ways, which I am not going to leak here, as you might use some of them yourself. We also started to pay people money to unlock the doors to their base (easy with a big skid org), and just went in and shot the entire place up.

Where are we now? Well now we're an organization which I am happily calling the best as of now. Most people like you, seem to whine a lot about it, and make all sorts of AR's which gets denied. And the only thing you get from an AR is a bomb at your front door, so please refrain from doing that.

What do you do since we are ruining YOUR experience? You sit in your lazy ass appartment (100% a slums appartment), and grow drugs all day? What are you going to do with your money? Just stack them until you can buy a car, and then what?
When I was a sweater like you, there was nothing I enjoyed more then being raided. I don't seem to see why most people are so upset to get raided? It is the most fun thing, especially with all the free guns. As no one raids any of us anymore, we have to raid people (unfortunately).

Just some words of mine to give people like you a wake up call, and grow the fuck up please.

I bet I could do that but I am American and have a one second delay for every action I do in the server. One second delay when shooting, driving, etc...
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North East England (UK)
I understand how you feel Pashion as I as well as many others have gone through your feeling of being raided almost every day when all you're trying to do is get money. All I can say is that it's just a part of perp and it's something you got to get used to. By all means, read up rule 5.3 and if they have violated this rule feel free to make an AR then an RR but apart from that's there's nothing you can really do. Making a thread and ranting about it won't do much but damage your personal figure. For example, I used to be extremely salty and every time I died I used to intoxicate OOC with my salt and it still damages me today even though I have changed how I act in these situations as well as many others. What I'm saying is remain calm and get through it because what you're doing isn't very effective and will do more damage to you than them. Just stay strong man and ignore those smelly tangerines :)
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Can't do that when yah got no money.
Why don't you try to make money some other way then If you get that salty about getting raided when growing drugs (the same drugs others want to nick) then you are obviously not getting very far money wise so try go do another job like medic, RC etc

Or other random things like a casino (thanks nade)
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I would recommend that you don't base alone (I know you do this because of the number of times ive responded to your house as tfu and just see you yelling "I'm locked in the toilet alone, I've been raided") and maybe get a house alarm or make as much noise as possible.
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The civil war of Somalia
It would also help if you didn't base in regals every time, i have seen your base's loads of time, listen, buy a decent apartment, buy some defenses, buy a good gun, and grow and you might actually stand a chance.
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Great Britain
This thread is gold.

You know what I did when 'the orange men' kept raiding me and being nuisances? besides getting very, vocally agitated, I either based somewhere easier to defend, and actually set up defences, or I did some legal jobs. (Ik, not much in terms of those, but medic gets good $ so do that for a bit.)
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If you find it hard basing, why don’t you just grow in the forest?

Then again…. You might get placed under “citizens arrest” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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I am making an Org...
I am going to call it

The Hopeful Cakes

Yeah, I am liking that name
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United Kingdom
I really don't see why you're complaining about Olsen "ruining the experience for New Players' What you gotta take into consideration like Feng said:
We were in your shoes once
Feng and everyone else in Olsen didn't make it to the top straight away, they had to work to earn the reputation, guns, drugs, money, etc. It didn't just immediately come to them overnight, there was effort involved and of course, they've had their fair share of losses whilst raiding other people and organisations. But the main way they get better and more efficient at raiding is by practising and keep trying. And in doing so, they gain experience and knowledge which they can use to their advantage, hence why raiding is a thing on most servers: To gain experience and potential loot.
If you practise and keep trying to win raids or whatever scenario it may be, your chances of winning will gradually increase over time.

The main reason why people raid is that it's a bit of fun (in some regard), it's a thrill and there's loot involved if successful which can be the main reason as to why it is they raid in the first place. You also gotta consider that there are others organisations that raid too and that it's not just Olsen raiding. Same would go for most other RP servers.

Like @KeiwaM stated: raiding is part of the criminal world and it is part of the game-mode. All you gotta do mate is just accept that at the end of the day, it's only just a game: you can easily earn what you've lost back through a number of in-game methods. It's not the end of the world if you lose a few items or some money.

But complaining about it on the forums about it isn't really going to benefit you in any way apart from sparking a discussion or making yourself look silly which can be damaging to your reputation.
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I'm going to be serious now and actually try to be helpful.

The expression "learn from your mistakes" applies heavily to PERP and FPS games alike quite heavily. The more you play the more you will learn and understand how things work and how to defend yourself properly. I've been playing a while and every time I join the server I find a new tactic or position I could use in the future. You, on the other hand, have been playing a little over two weeks which isn't nearly enough time to become good at something.

What you have just done is probably the worst thing you could have done at this point, which is bitch and whine that you are being raided. Having the ability to just suck it up and move on is excellent, if you are going to react like this for the rest of your time in the community, you best just leave.
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Or just do as i did buy the 22k office as accident and then buy sofas and other useless shit with 30k, put music on and when they raid you be sure to have no drugs on there.
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