Org Update - Ideas & Suggestions

If people want a snoozefest sure, they can play that way if they want. What benefit do you get from having a higher level org but not utilizing it for any civilian based things by not doing things that risk getting you arrested, even petty crimes.
Couple ideas for perks:

Upgrades to organisation storage, higher levelled orgs could generate one or two free guns per day for org members to use, some free ammo, stimpacks etc. Basically each org member can get 1 free loadout per day if your org level is high enough?

Special org vehicles, I'm talking some GTA online shit here for use in gang wars, take the delivery truck and armor it up, slap an org paint job on it or something similar.

Org insignias with the ability to spray them onto walls GTA SA style to mark your turf.
@MAGE But it would ruin the entire point of levelling up your org then? It wouldn't be anything special, since everyone can just AFK and do it. It makes no sense. I'm up for doing it if they are warranted and evading but just not being arrested sounds weird.
@MidoTheCigar When the org limit was implemented it was easily loop holed and at this point you probably wont even have all 15 people om the server at once.
@KeiwaM I'd rather not encourage people to jailbreak their buddy who is getting arrested for speeding to avoid losing xp
@KeiwaM I think it would be good if you could break out your friends and avoid the xp reduction so it should only be for longer sentences and more serious crimes.
Personally I think the org system works well enough, I think maybe a system for allying / declaring enemies with an org is a good idea, but adding anything else like generating free guns if you have a high org level or anything like that sounds very DarkRP, I think the bazaar scene is already very dead, and that the goal should be to make that more lively, and I think making it that people can get free guns just by being in a large organisation is going to kill the bazaar scene even further than it already is.

I also think XP sounds very DarkRP but maybe if it is implemented in a very small way it could work well, at max stuff such as raiding and/or stuff like selling at bazaar could increase XP, but I don't think that XP should go to anything crazy like getting free items or unlocking special cars or anything as some have suggested, just something like a high level org getting a few more max slots would be a nice idea or maybe some sort of clothing emblem to further represent the organisation.

I know quite a few people don't like being in orgs and like lonewolfing raids etc, I think any form of locking away things like guns / cars / other things like that as @ErmakDimon and maybe others suggested will take away from their experience on the server.
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@jimmythehamster Increase the XP along with the jail duration. That way, you'll have to say if it is worth breaking in to the PD and potentially losing a member on
Possibly adding perk abilities you can pay to use if your org is a high enough level such as paying 10k to hack into the CCTV system for 5 minutes which would bring about lots of possibilities such as spying on the mayor, finding the locations of your enemies/cops, checking if the area you're going to raid is quiet etc.

Putting false plates on your cars. Spoofing your phone number.

Maybe if you get high enough you can get influence from within the corrupt PD to sell you a limited amount of police specific items such as C2 or a taser for shits and giggles.
Mabye you should add more missions/quests to the DD?
Like how you can request him to set up a bank robbery for you but have smaller quests, and maybe have ORG quests where a couple of members from the same org can join and do the quest.
Im really not sure what types of quests there can be but maybe some can involve robbing the smaller stores or something.
Maybe to promote both gangs and legal businesses, organisations could gain xp through the following means:

- Killing Rival organisation members and cops
- Selling stuff at bazaar, depending on the base value of the item, organisations will gain 10% of the "Base price" of the item sold at bazaar. For example, the base price of an M4 is 12k, so the org will gain 1.2k xp for every item sold.
- XP Added per drugs sold, maybe make it 2xp per weed / coke and 5xp per meth sold
- XP Added per planter box belonging to another org is stripped
- Successfully robbing the bank

- How does an org lose XP?

The only way to "Lose" xp in my opinion should be if the leader disbands and makes a new org.
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Preferably we would like to encourage more civillians vs civillans and more interactions between org's, rather than civillians vs cops. Ontop of this more activities, and more creative ways to treat enemy orgs.

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