Paralake Executive

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Deleted member 5577

Description of the idea: Creation of the Executive of Paralake

Every three months there would be an election to elect 3 people who would have control over the laws for that period, they would have other responsibilities such as making decisions on legal disputes.

To avoid tyranny and laws no one wants there would be a brief constitution drawn up which could only be changed by referendum, this constitution would lay out the right of the people to bear arms, the requirement for an election every 3 months, and the general powers of the executive. This would make it much less prone to abuse through staff being able to enforce the constitution as well as the PLPD.

This idea would be similar to the idea of the council and I have some ideas on how to run this but I think where it previously failed was @TinySlayer ran out of time / lost interest in the council project so maybe we could build as we go, start off by not having a website and just having things run on the forums in the open. Have activity requirements for members of the executive so if they lose interest and just drop off the radar they can be easily replaced.

I am more than happy to make some draft documents and further develop this idea but I would like some more input from everyone. I hope you can see I have spent some time listening to your suggestions and really hope to get this idea off the ground.

Why should this be added? (pros): Having dedicated people to understand the laws and make decisions on problems that arise would be very beneficial especially as most law update suggestions haven’t been looked at for ages.

What negatives could this have? (cons):

@Samuel and @Inchs brought up the possibility of tyranny but I hope the constitution idea addresses this?

*Other additions: [list here]

*Images: [useful images]
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There are literally law change suggestions from 2017 that have yet to be answered... And I could say the same thing about you who gave you access to the files when all you do is act like a minge? Your statement is entirely incorrect and if you’ll look at my PD profile like @Devon Stewart has for some reason most people agree I was a great cop proving my responsibility in a position of authority
You are rated as a decent cop, true I said that. But you are still a minge in all other areas, however, so don't go out of your way trying to punch above your weight class and call other people minges, especially Developers who do lots for the server itself as a whole.
There are no huge problems with the current laws are there? They seem to work pretty good honestly.
And yes, I am the biggest minge! All I do is minge, just like I am doing this second.

From what I remember before you went all DELETE MY DATA GDPR REEEEEEEE you were somewhat of a decent officer, then I dont know what happened with you honestly. But in these matters we cannot look at how someone acted a few months ago, its all about how a person is acting now. And I can't say I personally think this is a good suggestion at all.

SA can edit the laws when they want and as they want, just like the rules, should we have a group of players deciding on them too?

Edit, from what I've been told you wanted your data removed to start of fresh as you got punished in the PD for doing stupid stuff, so I guess not such a decent officer? Then again I dont know this first hand...
@LilChicken but if a majority is for the change, then it could still be kept, despite ruining gameplay for one side. That is why you don't allow players to run the laws. 90% of perp players are braindead twats that are just interested in furthering their own income by being cop 24/7 or sitting in their base growing 24/7 instead of actually having a fun time.
@LilChicken What part? State of laws, that they work, that I am a minge, that you were a good officer, that you wanted data removed or that you may or may not have done it to get away with reprimands.

Edit, maybe we should hold votes on for laws instead and from that SA can decide.
@Samuel The laws don't work take Section 2, for example, they're the exact same thing. Laws aren't enforced correctly as people like @A1L have absolutely no idea what they're doing
@LilChicken How does section 2 not work? And if you are going to accuse me of slander, and then do the same to @A1L , then please provide evidence so we all can see that it don't work.
@Samuel It's an opinion that he doesn't know what he's doing but from how he handles IA's that is pretty evident.

Section 2: Right to Self Defence and Necessity
Any action performed under this section that is contrary to the law that results or is likely to result in death or injury of a person or damage to property or possessions must be reported to emergency services as soon as it is practicable to do so.

2.1 Self Defence and the Defence of Others
Any person may use a justifiable amount of force proportionate to a threat if they reasonably believe that such force would prevent injury, death or the loss of property or possessions.

2.2 Necessity
If a person reasonably believes that acting in a way contrary to any law is necessary to prevent injury, death or the loss of property they do not act unlawfully given that their actions are justifiable and proportionate.

2.1 and 2.2 give you literally the same powers
@LilChicken This does not mean that the laws don't work? Just means that we can remove some, it still works.

IA's works very good! Also you have no way of knowing how it works now so.... I would like to thank @A1L he keeps the handling time of complaints down, and even investigates himself.
@LilChicken Them knowing its you and your personal data being removed are two diff things. Cant wipe @Devon Stewart memory

Then again, as you are a user of perpheads, steamid, steam name and in game name are still stored.
@LilChicken You are still a user of perpheads services, right? Like forums.. and server? We user the same server as perpheads, and share database server, syncing data very often. The only identifiable keys stored atm would be, in game names, ooc(steam) names and steamid.
@LilChicken That does not mean your data will be removed does is? It's not like you lose all your money and cars just cuz you have been away for a few months. Not how it works.
honestly just make the laws based on forum input like we basically do now. I'll keep my opinions on government out of this :kappa: but were playing a game, in this case the less laws the better
but the current system doesn't work there are law suggestions from 2017 unanswered

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