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Paralake Partnership
Written by: Fredy Newman (@Agent Green) and Johannes Bech (@Retardo John)
Paralake Partnership is an organisation founded by Eddie Grey (@obidan66). The purpose of the organisation is to create a free spirit community and brotherhood whos common purpose is to do organised crime. The Paralake Partnership consists of many ranks listed below. The purpose of ranks of to maintain a certain amount of discipline compared to other organisations in Paralake.
Rank structure:

Rank descriptions:
The leader: The leader of the organisation. He is the person of the highest authority at any given time. If an agreement can’t be made upon a democratic process, the leader of the organisation has the final word. He/she has the right to confer with whoever he wants to to making a decision.
Consigliere: The consigliere also known as the right hand of the leader. They are powerful, and if the leader is not present, they’re the ones in charge. Consiglieres can possess more roles in the organisation. For example it’s possible to be consigliere and secretary or soldier.
Secretary of Treasury: Responsible for the economy of Paralake Partnership. The Secretary of Treasure can seek advice from the other secretaries and from the leader himself. He/she is the one to make any decision regarding anything related to the economic well-being of Paralake Partnership.
Secretary of Justice: The secretary of (internal) Justice is the advocate for the members of Paralake Partnership. It’s keen for the secretary of justice to create and maintain peace and harmony within the organisation as well as signalling this to the outside community. Any member can contact the Secretary of Justice if this member wishes to get in touch with the leadership without contacting the godfather or underboss. Of course 100% anonymous. Besides that the the Secretary of Justice also takes care of the corporate identity, and he/she can choose what corporate identity would suit Paralake Partnership best.
The Secretary of Membership: The Secretary of Membership handles the applications, discharges, and current status of organization members. It’s his job to make sure everyone in the organization is suitable, while keeping people who do not fit in, stay out. When someone is acting against the organizations fundamentals, he steps in and intervenes.
Defence Secretary: The Defense Secretary is responsible for all the money given by the secretary of Treasury. The Defense secretary should make sure to have a good relationship to the other organizations, to hold discipline in the teams and choose the right leaders for the role as commander. The Defense Secretary works closely together with the Secretary of Justice as they both serve important roles when it comes to internal and external signalling and communication.
The Commander: Commanders are among the most respected and honored members of Paralake Partnership. It’s their task to equip and train soldier so they’re fit for any given situation. It’s vital for the commanders to have close cooperation with the dealers, as it’s their responsibility to make sure that soldiers are equipped.
The soldier: Soldier should always be fit for fight in any situation. The soldiers will be handed out guns for operations. They will always obey orders given to them by the commander and will fight for honor, justice and respect.
The dealer: Paralake Partnership will only need 1-2 dealers in the organization. The dealer should have a high firearm level to make sure he can supply the organization. The dealer will receive money for materials from the Secretary of Treasury but will also get a paycheck in the end of the week.
Associate: Not an official member. This person cooperates with the organisation but is not a member. They could be advisers for example.
On trial: A person on trial is not a member yet. The will participate on equal terms with the members, but Paralake Partnership reserve the right to reject this person at the end of the trial period.
- No members of the Paralake Partnership are allowed to take actions against the allies of the organization.
- Unless the leader has instruct so, no member of the Paralake Partnership is under any circumstances allowed to cause harm against other members.
- The fields of the secretaries must not be violated under any circumstances. They are pointed out as well as sacked only by the leader and the other secretaries.
- On a day-to-day basis, the secretaries and leader is not to be taken too solemn. When someone in charge of a specific fields calls for discipline, all members obey (including other secretaries).
- We are an organization based on the basic principles of honor. Do not mug, except if we are in war.
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