Yes but at that point its been assessed in an unbias way, in the interview they should know who it is so they know about their experience and current standing within PD
As much as this didn't contribute to my resignation but was an incentive for me to leave. I really don't think the best applicants were chosen for each role. The PD is in suchof a state right now when it should be the main incentive to get players on the server again and playing like Nazi rp does it. If I still had the interest this is what I'd do. I applied for Tac Ops, with the massive problems with TFU during current command and chiefs tenure over the past year to 2 years I really felt the division needed a big change. Exactly what was shown by needing the prewhitlist trial. I had a plan for what Iwanted to achieve:
During my interview I was honest and spoke up about how people change themselves just for the roles. E.G Mcglinchy reinstating himself as a TFTO just to apply the day apps open and shit talking Gaming Peach asking RTU members if they were promised positions if they joined patrol. Idk why someone that has that disrespect for the Patrol division should be allowed near the hard work myself and peach put into the division. Tunnels was on an LOA during his application and is someone I blame as well as Collier for the current state of tfu as they are the only people that can change it. Not to mention the effort Mcglinchy made to attempt to segregate Patrol and RTU rather than work together with pathetic policies as well as not promoting members of patrol just for leaving RTU as sad as that is which me and peach were strongly against and went to the chiefs however Tom overruled us at the time.. Its not hard to see these people were not the best applicants for roles as well as supers activity.
Imo I'd have liked to see the people that were active when these people were lazy to have recieved the roles but its not easy to see that the 3 applicants are all Colliers friends. Idk how Peach and A1L were not chosen for these roles.
It's a community full of gamers, my dude, there are limits to how much professionalism and unbiased decision making senior management possess. Naturally, you'll see some outcomes which you believe are corrupt, but at the end of the day, you've also got to look from another perspective as well and consider if you're actually the best candidate for the job and if your track record is measurable.
It's very easy to be honest shay, Collier likes Janice a lot and so he becomes Major. Favoritism as I've read the chat here.
U are good enough to be a Major really. But PLPD is just corrupt.
It is not about me not getting major or janice getting it, its just about me and other applicants who put effort in applications and dont get a feedback or even denied, the applications just remain not assessed.
I expect them to assess all the stage 1's at the same time and so the next stages and not focus on one applicant who they think should get it