Police Suggestion Default TFU weapons and equipment.

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Professional Stripper
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Brief description of idea:

2 ideas I've had and just been thinking about pros and cons. It's not hard to see the standards of TFU drop since the first ever recruitment cycle. We used to have mainly high ranking command, chiefs ect that wouldn't abuse it and patrol 24/7. Police roleplay was valued a lot back then, we had a lot of organisations and criminals which meant nobody really had to tryhard and everyone really just enjoyed.

Idea: All TFO's get either a Benneli, MP5, M16 or a M24 or whatever the sniper is. I'd then like access to the better guns e.g m4, scar, UMP45 to be either based off rank or the other idea is paying for them. A lot of cop mains are going to disagree with this, but personally I can only see 1 maybe 2 organisations actually playing on the server rn. I've always blamed TFU as for me lowering the standards and giving a lot of people TFU that wouldn't have got it maybe a year or 2 ago, means they never have to play civ again. We used to have the incentive, if you want to shoot AR's or better guns, you have to grind for them as civ. Now these people don't and we're left with the lacking playerbase we currently have. On any bias issues, I like playing cop a lot and value the roleplay that's currently lacking on the server, too many people currently abuse the PD for a free shootout with no value for roleplay and would rather tryhard for shootouts like it's an fps shooter. I've just been trying to think of possible solutions to keep everyone happy. Any opinions are welcome, I'm not 100% for this suggestion but would like to know what everyone thinks, any problems or additions that could be good. I'm really not for the argument "cop dies every 5 minutes and has to buy weapons again" because it's the same scenario for civilians. Personally, I feel something needs to change to suit the current playerbase, we've hit 60 players once in 30 days, when we lack orgs and reasons to play as a civ, I don't understand why the PD has been kept the same from when we had 5 orgs, Olsen ect where it would usually be 10-15 people against the PD when now you're lucky to get 4-5

What benefits would this idea have for the department:
-Less people relying on PD for shootouts
-More insentive to play civ to gain access to better firearms as currently we lack in reasons to play civ.

What potential negatives could this have for the department:
-PD is less powerful, would lose more shootouts.
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I'd rather see a sort of rank structure added to TFU which gives you equipment based off of rank, And / or Joey's idea of giving cops an extended death time over paying for weapons. I strongly agree with it being an effective way of balancing out the server in regards to smaller criminal factions being bummed by the PD, and I'm sure it'd work, but I mean, its a radical change that could deter people from playing the server, and we need to at least think of something else to try out before resorting to charging cops for weapons when they're so used to having them for free.
I have been thinking of ways to deal with this since the public forum. Perhaps upon successful application, TFOs would have access to light gear with SMGs and would need to undergo extra training/assessment to have access to heavy gear and rifles (perhaps even need to be Cpl+ to apply/register for this training???)?

Not discussed with my team and I haven't thought it over that much but I might as well just throw it in
Personally I agree with Dai here with weapons. But you could argue that saying MP5/SMGs/Remmington shotgun (if cpl) could only be used by someone in a light tfu gear, then someone in heavy could have access to the m16/m4/shotgun/sniper if in heavy, but not having access to the SMG.
That has nothing to do with dedication. 1 is on LOA, 1 other is about to be and the third one is ill

It's more of an unfortunate turn of events really that we're working on sorting right now. The circumstances of Tunnels' LOA have changed and he should be back in administrative action soon
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@Collier to be honest, surely it'd make as much sense to make new TFO's only able to access heavy gear, as heavy gear is more SWAT Like and 95% of the time in heavy gear you'd be responding to just shootouts and raids, which doesn't require as much training, whilst with light gear, you have the ability to legally patrol around. But I like you're idea.

An Idea I had awhile ago was we train TFO's to use the remington M24 before they can have access to it, but at the same time, That'd take time and isn't all that necessary.
Yes, this was going to be my suggestion on this forum but I'm still writing it up.

Having a "Rank" structure for TFU would be beneficial tbh. Probationary TFO, TFO, Senior TFO, and TFO Commander would work. The rank structure could work in favour of having more organisation in the unit and would take time to set up and maintain, but as a TFTO myself I'm willing to judge and assess TFO's in my spare time.
The Remington M24 doesn't way that much and typically the user isn't in the heat of gunfire, doesn't it make since to lower the armor to light?
Here's my suggestion.

Upon successful entry to TFU:
Light OR Heavy gear.
No weapons capable of Full-Auto firing mode

Further training where applicant has proved significant acccuracy with rifles:
All weapons (except M24)

Sniper Proficiency Certification:
Unlocks M24.
On another post I have already tried to start a discussion about something quite similar to this. Tunnels and I have also spoken about it
"No weapons capable of full auto"

That'd mean TFU get just the M16 and benelli.
Id like to see training for auto rifles for them to be unlocked, training for snipers as well would be good. Its something that could be good if @Tunnels @Madda or @Aquaa worked on it.
A version of this has been discussed in SMT, the consensus was that SOs, upon successful TFU application will get access to light gear. Once promoted to Corporal, they would be given access to heavy gear and all it's perks

What are people's opinions on this?
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