PD Update

What would you like to see in the PD?

  • I'd like to see unmarked cars

    Votes: 45 45.5%
  • I'd like to see a TFU policy change

    Votes: 26 26.3%
  • I'd like to see more weapons added to the PD

    Votes: 39 39.4%
  • I'd like to see a tank added to the PD

    Votes: 25 25.3%
  • This post is stupid puffy.

    Votes: 25 25.3%
  • Wait, people thought that was real?

    Votes: 26 26.3%

  • Total voters
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So the PD released an april fools update post the other day, and many people (Including myself) thought a good chunk of it was real. Now, don't get me wrong, a tank is stupid yes. But the rest of that post seemed to be a pretty good idea (Save for maybe the lieutenant thing.)

So, would you like to see unmarked cars, or TFU reform? Lets see what you think!
The update post was removed. The talk of new ranks and unmarked vehicles as well as a remade TFU armory has already been in discussions and in the works for quite some time now. But we could speculate the policies haven’t been finished yet hence them only posting that as a tease. I would expect an update containing everything except the tank in the near future, maybe this summer if we are lucky.
It's no secret that we're planning a real update (some of which may be coming out this month).

You're just gonna have to wait :p
oh yes add unmarked cars, so tfu can drive around in them. fucking fantastic, and whilst you're at it give them Death Machines and double jump boost.
They would never give tfu the ability to do that. Besides unmarked cars could add people being more careful when they drive.
If they do happen they'll have some strict policy.
They would never give tfu the ability to do that. Besides unmarked cars could add people being more careful when they drive.
If they do happen they'll have some strict policy.
TFU have the most privileges at the moment so I wouldn't put it past the command to give them/themselves unmarked cars.
Policy means nothing, just extra words on faceless documents.
Unmarked cars would be for SGT+.
New guns would be restricted for higher ranks.
oh yes add unmarked cars, so tfu can drive around in them. fucking fantastic, and whilst you're at it give them Death Machines and double jump boost.

Unmarked cars aren't for just TFU to patrol around in, plus, I highly doubt they would be allowed to patrol with unmarked vehicles anyways. Unmarked cars should be used by higher ranking officers to give road users or citizens in general a constant mindset that the police are around. Unmarked cars will also help when conducting an investigation and or steak out.

Of course there will have to be policies and things put in place in order to make unmarked cars fair and non aidsy and not over used. Of course we don't want every single officer driving in unmarked cars. So that's exactly why there will probably be more policies put in place.
I think that unmarked cars should be an RTU thing because people drive better when cops are around, so they might not go OH SHIT COP better drive right if they can't tell its a cop car right away.
I think that unmarked cars should be an RTU thing because people drive better when cops are around, so they might not go OH SHIT COP better drive right if they can't tell its a cop car right away.
To be honest. It would fit the theme. We have the patrol division which usually does basic patrol, but RTU pretty much is currently the same thing with a tanky car that goes just a bit faster... And we get a camera which makes everyone rage, which I absolutely love.
IMO, When you are CPL, You can join TFU And pratically get every gun, pistol, shotgun ETC. Why not add a more selection to guns for other ranks, Officer having M9 Barreta Glock 17 And Walther, SO Having the same + sig sauer or HK, Cpl Having <<<<< all of that and a glock 20, SGT Having all of that and M1911, And it goes on and on. don't rate dumb and then not comment just comment on what you think.
i just wish we had the stuff i started working on back in like november or whenever

and I think @Smily still wants his M1 "Abrahams"