PEGIDA demonstration

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There's going to be a PEGIDA demonstration in my city soon.

My gym is literally around the corner from where it's going to be.

Give me ideas as to what to do, there's going to be tons of media and I want to have some fun.

Try and get seen on a camera so you can look back on it back at home, also wear something or have something which really shows up like a massive flag or something
If there is going to be a leader at the demonstration, and that person is going to hold a speech, walk over to the person, and just ask "Would you kindly fuck off?" @Niko Just continue asking and interrupting. Please do it.

BTW, ive got a package incoming of about 600 antifacist stickers incoming, if you want, you can borrow some and throw them over the crowd :kappa:
Try and get seen on a camera so you can look back on it back at home, also wear something or have something which really shows up like a massive flag or something

I legit have an outfit like this.

Thinking of just doing my workout, and then just getting tea/coffee with my workout partner and just casually stroll through the violent protests. :kappa:
Do as we do where i live, buy a bunch of eggs and release the rain over them with alot of people!
Do as we do where i live, buy a bunch of eggs and release the rain over them with alot of people!

To be completely honest, they have the right to protest, and physically assaulting them doesn't prove anything besides the fact that you're a fucking idiot.