In this guide I will be covering the proper use of various different chats that are available on PERPHEADS.
Text chat
Voice chat
Out of Character based chats: All Out Of Character chat functions are subject to the Basic Conduct Rules
/Report: This function can be used to grab the attention of a staff member and ask them to come and help you with an OOC function and an in depth guide can be found here.
/Help: This chat is a purely OOC chat and can be used to ask a question of the community whether it be rule related or just for a little help as you are now to the server. When responding to /Help, players should be truthful and not give false information as it can lead to players thinking things are totally within the rules and receiving a ban so just think before you respond, how would you feel if you where lied to as a new player. This chat is broadcast to the whole server so will usually grab a quick response as everyone online at that time can see the question.
/OOC: This chat is once again broadcast to the whole server and is open to response by anyone. This chat is Out Of Character and can therefore be used to discuss just about anything however it is important when using this chat to bear in mind that any communication of in character information that can be used actively by someone on the server through this chat could lead to a ban from the chat, a kick from the server, a warning or in severe cases even a ban.
/LOOC: This chat is easily accessible and can be used simply by pressing the U key and is used to communicate Out Of Character with people in your vicinity so rather than breaking character with the standard chat or your microphone please use this chat however, This chat should not be used if it will disrupt RP due to a stop in Roleplay to type the message.
In Character chat functions: These chat functions should at no time be used to exchange out of character information, doing so could result in a warning or even a ban for
Text chat: This is a local in character chat used by pressing the Y key to begin typing this is viewed as speaking to the people around you as you would in real life so anything goes here as long as it is kept in Character. Make sure to be aware when using this that it is like talking so the radius is not huge and you should be reasonably close to people in order for them to here you.
Voice chat: This is used in the exact same way as as Text Chat in the sense that it is a fairly small radius in character chat however it is accessed by holding the X key. Any time the X key is held down your microphone will activate and You will be speaking as your character. Whilst you are speaking you will see a little microphone in the top right of your screen.
/Yell: This function is used by opening the chat box and typing /Y "your message". This is used in the same way as regular in character text chat however the radius is widened as your character is shouting.
/whisper: This function is accessed by opening the chat box and typing /w "your message". This once again is very similar to text chat but with a much smaller radius as you character is whispering and can should be used to communicate more privately with people in a closer proximity.
/Org: This is available to any Civilian in possession of a phone and currently in an organisation. (List of active Organisations can be viewed here or alternativly you can register your own at city hall.) This chat is used to communicate in character with your entire organisation whether it be general chit chat or to organise an event of some kind this chat is very useful to co-ordinate many people at once.
/Government: This chat is used by opening the chat box and typing /gov. The government radio is an in character way to organise the combined government forces using one chat to allow good co-ordination between the forces. (Government forces can be found in section 4 of the rules
All forces mentioned in that quote must follow the rules set out for them however they all have access to the government radio. The Government radio can be used with the microphone by holding the B key however chatter on the radio should only be relating to emergencies as general chitchat can annoy other government officials.
/me: An in depth guide for this chat function can be found here
/Describe: This function is used by typing /desc and should be used to describe a situation that can not be seen due to in game mechanics for example "/describe has his hands and feet bound (Ben Lockwood)" The chat will automatically add your name so that other players know who the description is referring to.
/Act: this function is used to make your character preform actions the command is preformed by typing /act followed by the name of the act the following acts are available on the server, clap, talktohand, yep, nope, point, surrender(drops all equipped items).
When you complete a /act successfully you will receive this prompt.
If for example you where to act surrender you would look like this.
/Advert: This function is in character and is a way to let the whole city (server) about news such as the opening of your bazaar shop however this should not be used like in dark rp by advertising the words mug or hostage, in addition it should only be used for realistic adverts that you may see in a news paper in real life.
If you have any other questions about the chat functions on this server feel free to either contact a member of staff on the forum or ingame or use the /help chat.
Text chat
Voice chat
Out of Character based chats: All Out Of Character chat functions are subject to the Basic Conduct Rules
1.0 Basic Conduct Rules
All users within this community are expected to adhere and are subject to the following rules of conduct. These rules will be enforced at all times, including instances where a user is communicating with someone who is not a part of this community; In-Character gameplay is exempt from the Basic Conduct Rules.
1.1 Disrespectful Behaviour - Disrespectful behaviour, in its broadest sense, is not acceptable; users are expected to conduct themselves respectfully at all times.
1.2 Discrimination - Any demonstrations of any forms of discrimination will not be accepted.
1.3 Slander - Slander will not be tolerated within this community; the only time where accusations can be made against other members of the community are within the ban requests forum, and when speaking to an appropriate member of staff - when making an accusation against a member of staff, a higher ranking staff member should be spoken to.
1.4 Causing Problems - Generally, any attempts by an individual(s) to cause a problem(s) will not be tolerated.
/Report: This function can be used to grab the attention of a staff member and ask them to come and help you with an OOC function and an in depth guide can be found here.

/Help: This chat is a purely OOC chat and can be used to ask a question of the community whether it be rule related or just for a little help as you are now to the server. When responding to /Help, players should be truthful and not give false information as it can lead to players thinking things are totally within the rules and receiving a ban so just think before you respond, how would you feel if you where lied to as a new player. This chat is broadcast to the whole server so will usually grab a quick response as everyone online at that time can see the question.

/OOC: This chat is once again broadcast to the whole server and is open to response by anyone. This chat is Out Of Character and can therefore be used to discuss just about anything however it is important when using this chat to bear in mind that any communication of in character information that can be used actively by someone on the server through this chat could lead to a ban from the chat, a kick from the server, a warning or in severe cases even a ban.

/LOOC: This chat is easily accessible and can be used simply by pressing the U key and is used to communicate Out Of Character with people in your vicinity so rather than breaking character with the standard chat or your microphone please use this chat however, This chat should not be used if it will disrupt RP due to a stop in Roleplay to type the message.

In Character chat functions: These chat functions should at no time be used to exchange out of character information, doing so could result in a warning or even a ban for
3.24 In and out of character - Don’t bring out of character situations in character, for example screaming "RDM"
when being shot at.
Text chat: This is a local in character chat used by pressing the Y key to begin typing this is viewed as speaking to the people around you as you would in real life so anything goes here as long as it is kept in Character. Make sure to be aware when using this that it is like talking so the radius is not huge and you should be reasonably close to people in order for them to here you.

Voice chat: This is used in the exact same way as as Text Chat in the sense that it is a fairly small radius in character chat however it is accessed by holding the X key. Any time the X key is held down your microphone will activate and You will be speaking as your character. Whilst you are speaking you will see a little microphone in the top right of your screen.

/Yell: This function is used by opening the chat box and typing /Y "your message". This is used in the same way as regular in character text chat however the radius is widened as your character is shouting.

/whisper: This function is accessed by opening the chat box and typing /w "your message". This once again is very similar to text chat but with a much smaller radius as you character is whispering and can should be used to communicate more privately with people in a closer proximity.

/Org: This is available to any Civilian in possession of a phone and currently in an organisation. (List of active Organisations can be viewed here or alternativly you can register your own at city hall.) This chat is used to communicate in character with your entire organisation whether it be general chit chat or to organise an event of some kind this chat is very useful to co-ordinate many people at once.

/Government: This chat is used by opening the chat box and typing /gov. The government radio is an in character way to organise the combined government forces using one chat to allow good co-ordination between the forces. (Government forces can be found in section 4 of the rules
4.4 Police Officers- Police Officers can only request an Arrest Warrant under 2 circumstances, the first being for a property - at these times, the Police Officer must provide the full name shown above one of the property doors, and must specifically comply with law 11.2; the second instant where an Arrest Warrant can be requested is specifically covered under section 11.1 of the law - this law must be specifically complied with, and for a Police Officer to request an Arrest Warrant for this purpose, they must recognise the player(s), within the confines of rule 6.2, and must provide the player’s full name.
For players who are not Police Officers, they may not provide a name, and instead, may only provide a physical description of the player’s character, meaning an arrest warrant may not be issued; this includes SWAT Officers.
4.5 SWAT Officers- SWAT Officers must remain within the Police Department at all times unless it is appropriate for them to deploy to a location(s); appropriate reasons include, but are not limited to, being specifically called-for by a Lieutenant or a Sergeant, if law 11.14 has been put into effect, etc. SWAT officers are already trained, under no circumstances may they train at locations around the map.
SWAT may not protect the Mayor in any circumstances, SWAT may only be called out to protect the Mayor when he is in immediate danger.
4.6 The Police Lieutenant- The Police Lieutenant must be capable of effectively coordinating the efforts of the emergency services; specifically, the Lieutenant must regularly, where appropriate, utilize a microphone.
The Police Lieutenant may not call SWAT to a location of a crime that has been reported via a phone call/text, for example if someone phones in an says shots fired at suburbs, SWAT may not respond to that call until police have arrived and confirmed the act of firing weapons.
Search Warrants- The Police Lieutenant may only issue Search warrants when he/she has directly witnessed that the members inside the building he/she is warranting has broken the law.
For example, if the Police Lieutenant can see drugs planted inside of the building he/she is looking into he/she may issue a search warrant but only if he/she can confirm and provide proof to an Admin at a later date that those players had drugs inside their house, this may be done by taking a steam screenshot (F12 or RP it by taking a picture with the camera) before the warrant has even been given.
An example of a bad search warrant would be if a warrant is given out because the Lieutenant can see the edge of a pot inside a house and not the drug itself.
The Police Lieutenant must be able to physically see drugs inside of a house and effectively RP that he/she believes that they can see a specific drug plant inside, for example ‘I can see a marijuana growing from that pot’.
Another example of a bad search warrant would include issuing a warrant due to Illegal weapons, you must remember all weapons are currently legal in Paralake City on private land.
A Search warrant may also be issued for the reasons stated in law 11.2. (Barricaded windows etc.)
4.7 Paramedics- Typically, Paramedics may not enter a crime scene if it has not yet been secured by law-enforcement personnel. Paramedics cannot at any time patrol the city but may park at places such as the Fire Department, Police Station, Hospital, other sensible non crowded area’s and wait to be called out, this excludes Paramedics using the First Responder vehicle, if they are using it they may patrol. Paramedics must inform Police Officers if they have treated wounds which have been inflicted as a result of a crime, for example, gunshot wounds.
4.8 Firefighters- Typically, Firefighters may not enter a crime scene if it has not yet been secured by law-enforcement personnel.
Firefighters using the patrol vehicle (Dodge RAM) can patrol the city but must call the Firetruck when responding to large
uncontrolled fires, Firefighters using the firetruck may not leave the fire department, unless responding to an emergency
services report that includes details of an uncontrolled fire.4.4 Police Officers- Police Officers can only request an Arrest Warrant under 2 circumstances, the first being for a property - at these times, the Police Officer must provide the full name shown above one of the property doors, and must specifically comply with law 11.2; the second instant where an Arrest Warrant can be requested is specifically covered under section 11.1 of the law - this law must be specifically complied with, and for a Police Officer to request an Arrest Warrant for this purpose, they must recognise the player(s), within the confines of rule 6.2, and must provide the player’s full name.
For players who are not Police Officers, they may not provide a name, and instead, may only provide a physical description of the player’s character, meaning an arrest warrant may not be issued; this includes SWAT Officers.
4.5 SWAT Officers- SWAT Officers must remain within the Police Department at all times unless it is appropriate for them to deploy to a location(s); appropriate reasons include, but are not limited to, being specifically called-for by a Lieutenant or a Sergeant, if law 11.14 has been put into effect, etc. SWAT officers are already trained, under no circumstances may they train at locations around the map.
SWAT may not protect the Mayor in any circumstances, SWAT may only be called out to protect the Mayor when he is in immediate danger.
4.6 The Police Lieutenant- The Police Lieutenant must be capable of effectively coordinating the efforts of the emergency services; specifically, the Lieutenant must regularly, where appropriate, utilize a microphone.
The Police Lieutenant may not call SWAT to a location of a crime that has been reported via a phone call/text, for example if someone phones in an says shots fired at suburbs, SWAT may not respond to that call until police have arrived and confirmed the act of firing weapons.
Search Warrants- The Police Lieutenant may only issue Search warrants when he/she has directly witnessed that the members inside the building he/she is warranting has broken the law.
For example, if the Police Lieutenant can see drugs planted inside of the building he/she is looking into he/she may issue a search warrant but only if he/she can confirm and provide proof to an Admin at a later date that those players had drugs inside their house, this may be done by taking a steam screenshot (F12 or RP it by taking a picture with the camera) before the warrant has even been given.
An example of a bad search warrant would be if a warrant is given out because the Lieutenant can see the edge of a pot inside a house and not the drug itself.
The Police Lieutenant must be able to physically see drugs inside of a house and effectively RP that he/she believes that they can see a specific drug plant inside, for example ‘I can see a marijuana growing from that pot’.
Another example of a bad search warrant would include issuing a warrant due to Illegal weapons, you must remember all weapons are currently legal in Paralake City on private land.
A Search warrant may also be issued for the reasons stated in law 11.2. (Barricaded windows etc.)
4.7 Paramedics- Typically, Paramedics may not enter a crime scene if it has not yet been secured by law-enforcement personnel. Paramedics cannot at any time patrol the city but may park at places such as the Fire Department, Police Station, Hospital, other sensible non crowded area’s and wait to be called out, this excludes Paramedics using the First Responder vehicle, if they are using it they may patrol. Paramedics must inform Police Officers if they have treated wounds which have been inflicted as a result of a crime, for example, gunshot wounds.
4.8 Firefighters- Typically, Firefighters may not enter a crime scene if it has not yet been secured by law-enforcement personnel.
Firefighters using the patrol vehicle (Dodge RAM) can patrol the city but must call the Firetruck when responding to large
uncontrolled fires, Firefighters using the firetruck may not leave the fire department, unless responding to an emergency
services report that includes details of an uncontrolled fire.
All forces mentioned in that quote must follow the rules set out for them however they all have access to the government radio. The Government radio can be used with the microphone by holding the B key however chatter on the radio should only be relating to emergencies as general chitchat can annoy other government officials.

/me: An in depth guide for this chat function can be found here

/Describe: This function is used by typing /desc and should be used to describe a situation that can not be seen due to in game mechanics for example "/describe has his hands and feet bound (Ben Lockwood)" The chat will automatically add your name so that other players know who the description is referring to.

/Act: this function is used to make your character preform actions the command is preformed by typing /act followed by the name of the act the following acts are available on the server, clap, talktohand, yep, nope, point, surrender(drops all equipped items).
When you complete a /act successfully you will receive this prompt.

If for example you where to act surrender you would look like this.

/Advert: This function is in character and is a way to let the whole city (server) about news such as the opening of your bazaar shop however this should not be used like in dark rp by advertising the words mug or hostage, in addition it should only be used for realistic adverts that you may see in a news paper in real life.

If you have any other questions about the chat functions on this server feel free to either contact a member of staff on the forum or ingame or use the /help chat.
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