PERPHeads Community Awards 2018

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Reaction score
Leeds, England.


Oh hey, has it really been a whole year since the last awards?

Yes, it's that time of year again, the fifth annual community awards, it's time to vote for most notable players of the year!
Over the course of the year we've seen a bunch of people join us, leave us and every single player has made an impact on the server.

Announcements & Updates:
Xenforo 2
Drug System Update
Event System
TV Update
Katana Update
New Phone & Minesweeper
Crafting System Update
Changes to Senior Administration
Happy Halloween

2018 Accepted Applicants
@Bean Can

Did you know?
All players combined have $1,971,884,331 (bank and cash) - That's an increase of $282,901,641 from last years figure.
All players combined have 4,163,219 items, an increase of 530,549 from last year.
There are 5970 owned cars in existence, an increase of 686 cars from last year.
There have been 1,294 bans issued this year, a decrease of 1183 from last year.
There have been 1,081 warnings issued this year, a decrease of 723 from last year.
There are 328 white-listed members of the PLPD.

Voting Information
We've slightly increased the number of winnable categories this year, allowing for more awards to be given out.

  • People banned at the time of votes closing (23/12/2018) will not be eligible to win an award.
  • Players must be voted for via their Steam ID (added a searchable list of players to the website to make it easier)
  • You may only vote for the same player twice amongst all categories.
  • Any attempt to coerce people into voting for you in return for a vote for them will not be tolerated.

Without further ado, voting is now open and will close on the 23rd of December.

Click here to vote
(yes the website may be buggy,)
vote me best newcomer because i just got unbanned hello also worst aim ty

also @Fielding best officer
vOtE mE fOr BeSt ShoOtEr!
but of course everyone is a winner
We all know who the staff member of the year is going to be ;)
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