@Spoon Something called, Fuck Off you can get it at your nearest Shop called Piss off. It's Buy 1 Get 1 free.
I don't really get why you're upset. From what you posted, the whole situation was a shitshow with people saying random shit and running around all over the place.
Posting a video that shows you breaking rules and being like "omg look at these shitty cops" is not really a smart idea even if it was "for the RP"
This would be a nice approach to the situation if the situation was purely for roleplay. What you can pretty easily see here is that the"Suicide RP" was more of a way for those guys trying to get out of a previous police encounter rather than them roleplaying as someone whos mentally ill. It's clear that this was opportunity was used as a get out of a ticket/jail card, no one who would want to actually roleplay would threaten cops of suiciding and then go right at them, start punching them and then threatening them again.
When Prepper did something like this, he had a knife and would try and stab anyone who could come near him. Regardless of the scenario, there is always a way to roleplay situations, even if they are just trying to get out of a ticket.
I can't call this an rp sorry but if I would be a cop in that moment would just tell you to jump and kill youraelf cause braindead also I believe those kind of rp shouldn't be allowed as perpheads have no age limit and can give kids examples and ideas to what they can do in real life.
is there any kids playing perp ?

what about kosing cop then bandage your self and walk like nothing happened
this is the third time in 2 days youve done this shit. what about when you did this before with me, @NoHax and 2 other officers and we talked it out successfully? the aids officer was dealt with swiftly. its like you start these sits just to find something to complain about.
You have been doing this like 5 times and tbh its stupid from both sides (Ik I'm just screaming allahu akbar but dw)

Your friends keep teeling the PD to get back, while also running out to punch them and then running back to the edge, and you've done this like 5 times, why? What do you want? A new result or something?

The PD for some reason gets like 10 officers on scene and everyone keeps pulling their tasers and guns and coming close to you like a bunch of retards, one lane had like 5 police cars on it and the other maybe 2-3, making it impossible to drive through.

All of this is very pointless and stupid, PLPD should get some common sense btw because pulling a taser/gun and coming to the people who are telling them to back off is just fucking autistic, but also why did you friend sometimes just go and punch the officers? And again what's the point of repeating this situation 500 times? Imagine going to a bridge to commit suicide and then calling the cops telling them that you are going to jump and then waiting for them, and tell them if they get close you'll jump, if this would've been real life I'd think that someone is looking for attention tbh.