To memory, when Leonard first wanted to do suicide RP yesterday he had only just died in a situation with police, therefor no previous police encounter to try and get out of etc
He was trying to RP pretty realistically IMO, and was giving people reasons for him wanting to kill himself like nobody caring about or wanting to help him, and was willing to talk to people rather than showing a clear mindset of wanting to kill himself to get out of something... However this RP quickly came to an end when 2 new police officers turned up, 1 of which started shouting "do a flip" and other stupid things like that, and the other one ran at him and pushed him off.
I think them running out and punching the officers is purely out of frustration that they're actually trying to set up an RP situation and they officers are just doing dumb shit like telling "do it, its fine by me", yelling allahu akbar, and intentionally coming closer with guns out just to get them to jump.