Police vs crims problems.

Do you think this is acceptable or stalling rp?

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Now for quite a long time now I've been playing as an officer and I've always been annoyed by this:
Officer: *Gunpoints the criminal who doesn't have a weapon drawn* HANDS UP NOW! or GET ON THE GROUND!
John Doe: *Does Nothing under gunpoint*
Now this annoys me really much, especially in large raids when once a person like this resulted in my death since in the time that I was yelling to him 10 times GET ON THE GROUND which he didn't, his friend came and killed me from the back. Now I'd like to hear your opinion on it. I'm pret sure it's considered stalling rp but I've never reported anyone for that, although I face people like that almost every day.
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Well, I would not say this is exactly stalling the RP. If the person knows that under the law Use of force you cannot shoot him if he does something stupid and he has for example a friend that is coming to kill you, I am pretty sure it is allowed to stall (depends on how long he stalls though). This has happened to me countless times, gunpointing the suspect and he is like "Oh why are you gunpointing me? ... Oh ok let me crouch really quick ... Ok, dropping my gun ... now ... wait I forgot to turn off the stove ... wait for me to lock the door ... face the wall behind me? ... YES YES SHOOT THAT CO-" **/me dies.
I have to agree though that it might fall under 3.4 as you can never be sure about the officer's actions and training.
As long as it's roleplayed fine it never bothers me. Obviously if someone is like standing AFK and not listening to your commands then I'm sure that's deemed as stalling.
If he knew his friend was going to save his ass and he had a good reason to be saved I think it's acceptable. And I also agree with Jordan, I think if something is roleplayed well and realistically it should be allowed unless it significantly breaks rules.