PRA roleplay boost

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Help car accident roleplays with scripts

Short explanation (in notes):
-Giving firefighters a chance to perform Physical Rescue Assignment roleplay
-Crashing with a car at a high speed might get you stucked inside the car -> thus FF's have to help you out with shears
-Cars engaged in an accident might not be respawned for a given amount of time

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
I've recently joined the server, and I really like it, and plan to involve myself in the community, but so far, one thing has been really bugging me, and that is, people each day just speed around with their car - mostly including citizens and medics - and then they find themselves exploded in the middle of the highway. Today, for instance, I found a car lying on the inner lane of the highway crashed between the lamppost and the concrete wall, pulled by Dodge Ram over, putting lights, warning sign, traffic cones out, all what you can imagine, and started roleplaying with a fellow firefighter. Oh, hold up! The medic who owned the vehicle went on-and off duty suddenly, the car dissapeared, and we had no chance to roleplay.

It is really sad, that most what people care about car accidents is how they'll get to the NPC to respawn the vehicles, even though car accidents and PRAs are an amazingly fun way to roleplay, but only if players would actually care about it.

So what I thought of is using simple scripts (I've made a few for TDM cars and fire objects, so they shouldn't be hard) to enforce the players, so in the most occasions, they would have to roleplay out an accident, for at least a minute or two.

Of course it has occured to me, that sometimes accidents cannot be RP'd well, but those are the minority of the cases. And administrators can do their best to care with the rest.

Optional additions:
-Firefighters should be given shears and car jacks to process vehicles engaged in an accident.
-Firefighters should also recive a bonus for rescuing someone from a car when they are stucked, using the Shears swep.
-Upon getting rescued from a crushed car, you should go unconscious - and you should suffer from the same consequences when still inside the car, and unable to exit it.
-A new item could be added, which is like a Life Alert, except that, it signals when the vehicle(where it is installed to) becomes disabled.

I just think this gives a great RP boost for the server, more work for the FireFighters as - currently, they spend the most of their jobs in the station - sometimes they work less than SWAT.
It also opens up some great ways to roleplay, for both medics, police officers, citizens aswell. Also, development shouldn't be hard either.

I aswell realise that sometimes lagspikes lead to unrealistic accidents - but hey, sht happens.
The general server populatin just wants to pew pew and grow drugs. I tried to Roleplay being stuck in a car numerous times, and they always threatened with reporting me for stalling RP. Maybe a script who forces it upon people will help to make the roleplay atleast a bit more realistic. + support
Yes yes yes.

Firefighter is my favourite job and i feel there is little to do other than patrol for a fire or sit in the garage.
I feel that FF should respond to situations like trande said, stuck in a car

+ Support.

In addition to your suggestions there are some few things I'd like to add.

Fires (especially in vehicles) should last a bit longer that they do at the moment. I know that this might cause lag to some people but considering that the gamemode attempts to emulate real life I don't find it realistic that the fire is extinguished within 2 seconds.

As far as I know of the default amount of firefighters is 2. If a few changes are made and the job becomes more important I bet that there would be more people who would be interested in the job.

If someone bothers to suggest a new job such as doctor and if diseases would randomly occur the ambulance service would become a part of the Fire Dept. as seen many places around the world. Rule 4.7 however allows paramedics to await 911 calls etc. at the Fire Dept. and other government facilities but in matter to establish a more permanent "cooperation" they should both be located at the Fire Dept.

@Mannerwaffel can probably confirm that the current fire station in Paralake doesn't offer the same facilities as seen within real life fire stations. There are no rooms in which the firefighters can sleep/relax and there's no entertainment. I've often brought props to the Fire Dept. so that the general RP atmosphere would be improved. Despite the huge effort people put into the making of a realistic "room" there's barely any space.

Something else that affects every firefighter and especially paramedics is the constant communication on the government radio. It's currently rare that the firefighters have to respond to emergencies. Meanwhile they're unable to talk to each other simply because "SWAT IS REQUESTING MEAL BREAK" or "MEDIC HEAL ME" (and other irrelevant stuff) is constantly repeated. I've often had headaches because of that. Instead there should be a dispatcher whose job would be to send firefighters and paramedics to emergencies - it could be the Incident Commander of the Fire Dept.

Most important of all. The fire station needs improvement!

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+ Support, this would honestly make me play fire-fighter more. The only time fire-fighters get to do something is obviously when there's a fire, and by the time they arrive in the fire truck and do /me gets hose etc it's already out.
When i first started on perp i liked the FD but they couldnt do much apart from put out i think this would make a great thing to add as it would make it more exciting and add to the rp. + support
The realism makes this one of the best Ideas I have ever heard, plus you can't prop abuse out of crashes so RC will become used again! Also firefighters will now actually stay in service! +SUPPORT
What a fabulous idea, like others I have tried to seriously RP as a fireman however the reluctance of others makes my efforts completely redundant.

dis idea is sik ygm blud, i done dis b4 but them others dont do shit!!!!
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some weeks ago i was playing as a firefighter, there was another one with me. He was driving the Dodge RAM and i was on the passenger seat. suddenly he got his car stuck in the city: i called an RC, he ran to the NPC to respawn it, so i had to go back to FD on foot. there i told to him:
- You shouldn't just respawn your veicle: it ruins the RP, you should have called a RC instead
-ok mum
... i left the server
ofc it's a +support
Alright I had this discussion with @The-Devils-Son not long ago and also had it quite a long time before but always ran into a few problems. Main thing that I do not like is how there would be inconsistent need for this, such as if there happen to be no firefighters when someone has an accident would they still be stuck in the car? Also how long is someone stuck in a car for even if there are firefighters?

I take it in your idea you also want it so you can't respawn your car once you have originally (and it hasn't been removed by blowing up or whatever) but my question is, what about people with multiple cars? Do they simply have to pick at one time then stick with that choice forever? Also as a question related to vehicles then, should you have to park your vehicle out front of the PD or wherever when getting the job with no one inside? That way your vehicle doesn't simply disappear off the map when you go get a job, but rather within the parking area for that job which would make sense.

If you can answer those questions, I have more, but they would be a start.
If there happen to be no firefighters when someone has an accident would they still be stuck in the car?
I have a counter attack against that. It's the same situation as if you would get shot for example while no paramedics are available. Otherwise, there could be a set of random timer - perhaps based on the damage what the vehicle has received - after which, either the player 'bleeds out', or somehow manages to escape (epic minigame and/or VIP feature?).
There could also be an option, that enables you to attempt to get someone out of a vehicle with your bare hands: though it is nowhere as effective as a shear swep for example - but could still enable first responding officers - like in real life - to help out someone without full-scale equipment. However, that should be considered heavily, due easy-abuse.

Also how long is someone stuck in a car for even if there are firefighters?

I'd say, an option could be, if you have an accident that makes you stuck inside a car, that should damage the car as well.
Option one: Make the car to explode over time - up to three minutes approx. - this would highly injure the person inside the vehicle, just like when someone falls or gets shot. After that, same timer as when going unconscious.
Option two: See first question.
Option three: 1 minute - warning of bleeding out - another 1 minute, falling unconscious, and then once again the same timer.

What about people with multiple cars? Do they simply have to pick at one time then stick with that choice forever?

The car spawning system should detect if one's car is disabled (by an accident), and either disable respawning it until a road crew member fixes the car up, or until 10 minutes. This would also definitely stop people who keep constantly breaking 3.15 for fun.
What is also an option, to disable not the respawn, but the despawning of vehicles, thus a disabled vehicle would stay on the server for, perhaps 10 minutes. The same car could not be respawned for a given time. This would both enable players to go on with their lifes, accident-RP with cars, and give some responsibility for drivers - of course only, if we speak in bigger scales regarding that 'given time'.

Also as a question related to vehicles then, should you have to park your vehicle out front of the PD or wherever when getting the job with no one inside?

So, to answer this question, if your vehicle is not disabled by an accident, it should be able to de- or respawn. Otheriwse, it is afraid that those parking lots would fill up too quickly. Or even if not, it would cost server and player resources, which we already lacking at the moment.

Yes, most of these are kinda op. For example, there should be a limit for spawning a new vehicle, to make sure the server won't suddenly be full of disabled cars all around.

Also, government NPC's should resists giving players - who broke their previous vehicle down - new transports for a given time.

This is mostly a draft, I made it in less than 15 minutes, WHILE playing. So none of these ideas are completely final, just give me a poke if none of them sound right. Also, eager to see the remaining questions.
[DOUBLEPOST=1422110326,1420579870][/DOUBLEPOST]16 positive ratings, 0 negative ratings. 5+ verbal support.
Not hard to develop. Means alot for serious RP.

So question, what do developers think about this?
+Support - Fantastic suggestion. Would increase roleplay a lot more and increase realism.
I'm sure @Mannerwaffel would agree with this one aswell :)
Just for bumping, anyone has a new addition or idea to add? Just because

16 positive ratings, 0 negative ratings. 5+ verbal support.
Not hard to develop. Means alot for serious RP.

So question, what do developers think about this?

Also 500 views in a week and 10+ replies
You can just RP this but when I crashed into someone and I try to RP it by doing /me goes unconscious all they do is will you f***ing move and drive off.
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