Server Suggestion Reduce max cop slots

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Suggestion Title: Reduce max cop slots
Suggestion Description: Reduce the maximum cop slots (and scale) to 18 rather than 25

Why should this be added?:
- When the server is full and there are 20+ cops on, it doesnt matter how many people you are raiding with, crime is just impossible.

- Especially with the amount of TFU reaching nearly 100 now, there is consistently 3-6 TFU on duty at all times which is more than enough for a somewhat balanced shootout where it is still fun for both sides without the horde of pistol cops to accompany them.

- I'd also argue that 6-7 TFU on duty at once is too much, given the recent flashbang buff which makes them even more of a threat than their 200HP, AWP, ACOGs and TFU Van.

- More balanced shootouts, not just cod zombies simulator and cops will have to use a bit more of their brain during shootouts rather than just sprinting at the enemy in a horde and hoping their shots connect (which always works).

- Possible FPS improvement from less lights around the map and a shitfest worth of cop cars outside a raid all with lights on?

What negatives could this have?:
- People might not be able to get on duty as often as they'd like however this would encourage more RP elsewhere or force players to make money in an alternative/risky way or form new organizations on the server for some more civilian RP.

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Yeah I feel like everyone was thinking this as of late, of course there’s a lot of crime and people raid with up to ten people in some cases.

But the way the PD operates at the moment is everyone responds to shootouts as they come up, having nearly 20 cops showing up to a suburbs raid where two sweaters are duelling it out with ppks. And when that scenario is cleaned up they all move to the next raid.

Also that useful image is straight cursed
Yeah I feel like everyone was thinking this as of late, of course there’s a lot of crime and people raid with up to ten people in some cases.

But the way the PD operates at the moment is everyone responds to shootouts as they come up, having nearly 20 cops showing up to a suburbs raid where two sweaters are duelling it out with ppks. And when that scenario is cleaned up they all move to the next raid.

Also that useful image is straight cursed

The context of the image is @Moon getting rushed because he shot an hk45 at a cop from PD to slums.
The context of the image is @Moon getting rushed because he shot an hk45 at a cop from PD to slums.
This one is gonna be abit problematic as most staff are cop mains. I honestly wouldn't win that even if I had ESP Aimbot Spinbot and Silent aim, reducing cop slots will also greatly increase FPS on the server I honestly don't understand how and why are the cop slots so high :hilarious: :facepalm:
I wouldn't be against the idea of reducing the absolute maximum cop slots to something more reasonable, like 20, as opposed to 25.
I think a maximum of 6 TFU is reasonable though considering that it's not uncommon to have bank raids or bases composed of six to eight heavily armed criminals.
Also, the van holds six people, so having the maximum TFU being in line with that just makes me happy.

Also, make the cop AFK timer shorter. I see cops AFKing throughout the entirety of their NLR frequently, and not just low-ranking cops. It's not practical for staff to deal with it all the time, and if slots are reduced, having a slot being taken by some waste of space sitting at a computer in PD for 10 minutes would be immensely frustrating, and distract staff from more important things.
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And honestly playing police isn’t as fun with that many cops on, every situation is over and done with before you can even radio in “responding code 3”.

I find myself setting up traffic stops in bazaar and suburbs because it’s more fun than responding to raids and trying to get into an apartment full of 20 other cops.
I wouldn't be against the idea of reducing the absolute maximum cop slots to something more reasonable, like 20, as opposed to 25.
I think a maximum of 6 TFU is reasonable though considering that it's not uncommon to have bank raids or bases composed of six to eight heavily armed criminals.
Also, the van holds six people, so having the maximum TFU being in line with that just makes me happy.

Yeah I'm not saying 6 is too much but it's definitely too much when accompanied by 18 pistol cops too. Pistols are very under rated and I'd argue that I probably die more to pistol and remi cops than TFU. I'd be happy, and im sure everyone else would be too with EITHER less cop slots and max 6 TFU or keep the slots the same and have max 4 TFU.
It’s a dispatchers nightmare and it’s too much on the police side too, please just reduce the count and maybe add a queue system in the PD lobby so people just aren’t spamming the join button until a slot frees up and rather gives the job to those who have been waiting the longest. It’s also boring as fuck to play as crim with so many police on, NLR changes do work but that doesn’t mitigate the stupid amount of police that responds to incidents on a map that is hardly complex and takes less than a minute to respond to any incident, reducing the count just fixes this once and for all.. I also think that denying it solely based on ‘data’ is ignorant and pretty careless if it still remains a problem, the community has spoken.
Honestly it's just not fun to play as cop when there are 20 cops running around. You arrive on scene somewhere and it's already code 4 so you go to the next situation to find 15 other cops already duking it out. :yawn:
18 officers can't realistically be expected to deal with the madness that happens at 128 playercount.

Cops already had a huge nerf with the doubling of the NLR timer, how much easier do you want it to be?
18 officers can't realistically be expected to deal with the madness that happens at 128 playercount.

Cops already had a huge nerf with the doubling of the NLR timer, how much easier do you want it to be?
Pretty much summed up my response. I still see PD lose most raids. I had a situation the other day where 3 guys took down just about the entire PD which was almost fully staffed. That is baffling to me. The server doesn't need more chaos from having even less cops to deal with the insanely rampant amount of raids and other crimes in the city.
Tiny posted some graphs and statistics, and basically reducing cop slots will change nothing on how many tfu pull up when you try raid
If it gets changed how about making a change so that when there is less than 5 cops on no ''major'' crime is allowed?

Or at least make it so that PD has to prioritize all calls except maybe bank robberies equally? It is extremely annoying knowing that if there is the least action going on it is almost impossible to get a PD response to anything. It is very clear that PD is in it for the PVP not the RP!
If it gets changed how about making a change so that when there is less than 5 cops on no ''major'' crime is allowed?

Or at least make it so that PD has to prioritize all calls except maybe bank robberies equally? It is extremely annoying knowing that if there is the least action going on it is almost impossible to get a PD response to anything. It is very clear that PD is in it for the PVP not the RP!
This is already done by bank robberies not being allowed when there arent enough cops on.

18 officers can't realistically be expected to deal with the madness that happens at 128 playercount.

Cops already had a huge nerf with the doubling of the NLR timer, how much easier do you want it to be?
18 is plenty lmao
Pretty much summed up my response. I still see PD lose most raids. I had a situation the other day where 3 guys took down just about the entire PD which was almost fully staffed. That is baffling to me. The server doesn't need more chaos from having even less cops to deal with the insanely rampant amount of raids and other crimes in the city.
This seems like a skill issue for the officers that were on. PD does not lose most raids at all, maybe you're just on at bad times bc all day today until cop slots went down to about 15 cops were rolling everyone, and it is rare that I see civs winning raids on high pop.

I don't see how the argument you're making means that higher slots are necessary. It seems like you're saying cop mains just need to get better if 25 of them can lose to 3 shooters?
This is already done by bank robberies not being allowed when there arent enough cops on.
I actually didn't know this so my apologies. I am not a ''cop/criminal'' so I don't have much to say in the matter other than I hope that Police will prioritize ''normal'' calls a little more. Best of luck with your suggestion!
18 officers can't realistically be expected to deal with the madness that happens at 128 playercount.

Cops already had a huge nerf with the doubling of the NLR timer, how much easier do you want it to be?
Pretty much summed up my response. I still see PD lose most raids. I had a situation the other day where 3 guys took down just about the entire PD which was almost fully staffed. That is baffling to me. The server doesn't need more chaos from having even less cops to deal with the insanely rampant amount of raids and other crimes in the city.
with all my respect i never have been watch anyone of you both off dute raiding someone or doing crim stuff so im sure you dont realize how hard its to play against 20 or 15 cop

I still see PD lose most raids
personally i lose most of my raids when the server +80 players // in same time while on dute we win most of it if it wasnt all so im not sure how you are saying pd lose most of the raids i think you are lieing to ur self or you join on bad time where no one know how to play and i wish i join when u guys lose
I had a situation the other day where 3 guys took down just about the entire PD which was almost fully staffed
its skill issue might be Lack of experience by cops

18 officers can't realistically be expected to deal with the madness that happens at 128 playercount.
its like you are saying all the 128 players going to drive in same time or raid in same time + the map is small for 128 players and i think 15 cop can hold the city with 4 tfu

personally i think 15 police officer with 4 tfu will be great

i know there was stuff member share the hours ( i dont remember hes name or when i sow it ) that the plpd online and it barely hit the max but i want to see the tfu online hours

most of the people who disagree with this idea suggestion they never or didnt play as crim from long time while the server above 80
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These are the stats from the last time this was suggested and denied showing how often cop slots reach max. According to these you can expect cop slots to exceed over 18 a whopping 1% of the time. Now I'd be interested to see more recent stats but if these are still even vaguely close to accurate then reducing cop slots would have little to no effect on your criminal activities.

TL;DR Max cop slots being 25 isnt the reason you lost your raid.

These are the stats from the last time this was suggested and denied showing how often cop slots reach max. According to these you can expect cop slots to exceed over 18 a whopping 1% of the time. Now I'd be interested to see more recent stats but if these are still even vaguely close to accurate then reducing cop slots would have little to no effect on your criminal activities.

TL;DR Max cop slots being 25 isnt the reason you lost your raid.
Ok, so what’s the big issue with changing the max cop slots if it’s barely used? Lmao

Since the large organisations were nerfed, most organisations run around with at most 5 people or less.

Something a lot of us have noticed is that only the experienced players are raiding the majority of the time, I believe this is due to players not having the weapons to have the confidence to fight off 15-20-25 cops
PLPD is over powered as shit.

Also PD mains remember that crims aren’t just fighting you, they are having to fight defenders.

You end up killing 6 people in a house just to walk out to 20 cops all opening fire.

These are the stats from the last time this was suggested and denied showing how often cop slots reach max. According to these you can expect cop slots to exceed over 18 a whopping 1% of the time. Now I'd be interested to see more recent stats but if these are still even vaguely close to accurate then reducing cop slots would have little to no effect on your criminal activities.

TL;DR Max cop slots being 25 isnt the reason you lost your raid.
Would be great to see a re-run of this data but only include when server pop is +80
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