Reduce Nightstick Damage

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Topic: Reduce/Remove Nightstick Damage

Short explanation (in notes):
- Receive less damage from nightstick

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
I feel like reducing/removing the damage from the nightstick would reduce the amount of situations in which a suspect is killed while being brought to jail. In some situations the officer keeps on hitting the suspect with his nightstick, but I feel like the suspect dying while being brought to the PD is worse for the roleplay than him not receiving damage from the nightstick.

Optional additions:
I would like to know your opinions on this and I'm keeping in mind that the police force might get more organised in the coming months which could reduce the chance of this happening, but it can still accidentally happen to badly wounded suspects.
If an officer is using their nightstick on a suspect on the way to the jails, it's excessive force. The nightstick should only be used on aggressive suspects who are resisting arrest, for example, if they were trying to punch you or they were pushing and such then using the nightstick is justified, but if they're just walking off when you're bringing them down to the jails, use the drag function which is reasonable force for a suspect who isn't co-operating but not being aggressive.

11.10 Handling an Aggressive Suspect(s)

When handling a suspect(s) who is not cooperating and who is/has become aggressive, it is important to remain in/take control of the situation, and, if necessary, to use the appropriate non-lethal equipment provided; ie: the baton. See Section 11.9 for additional details.
As the nightstick is only intended to be a deterrent and a mostly defensive weapon the damage is already fairly minimal. It only knocks a person out when an officer repeatedly beats a person over the head with it as expected. Causing excessive head trauma would obviously result in unconsciousness and if untreated... death.

If a suspect is noncompliant all should be done is drag them; as that is why we added that feature, it is not to be used every single time like some officers feel. I don't see how this is necessarily a problem other than officers using excessive force and should be demoted/arrested by the lieutenant if found guilty, as it would be murder in the third degree if the suspect dies as a result.

Considering this would be an officers negligence at fault, so they should be tried and dealt with the same as any member of the public. Police are not above the law by any means.
Thanks for giving your opinions, I didn't keep the dragging in mind lol. This idea would have been useful in my opinion if we didn't have the dragging ability yet, haha.

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