Server Suggestion Reduce / Remove XP gain from Car Thefts

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rasclart hq
Suggestion Title: Reduce / Remove XP gain from Car Thefts
Suggestion Description: Car thefts are far too easy, and are way too beneficial when it comes to Leaderboard XP. I believe it should be greatly lowered / removed altogether.

Why should this be added?:
- QoL
- More realistic as who really gains a large amount of reputation from stealing a mini cooper
- Will cause less people to run around stealing multiple cars in a 10 minute period 
- Less bother to the PD about 10 cars being stolen at once

What negatives could this have?:
- People could complain about having to get into shootouts or dangerous situations to get an XP gain
- Could cause a decrease in the amount of car thefts
just buy security package
This isn't about my car being stolen, this is about it benefiting you the same amount as killing a player, the risk is very one sided as it is extremely easy to steal a person, whereas if you're killing a person chances are you could die afterwards
Stealing a car has no benefit other than the xp at the moment, and it allows the owner to kill you so there is still a risk of dying if you don't leave your car in piss
no thanks MR rxsm
there should be many ways to get XP if you remove this all the other ways will be

raiding / stealing drugs thats all
I think it would be fine to do like
If the car is more expensive it will give u more XP
Stealing a car from new player - No XP
Stealing a cooper - also no XP
@Aquaa , @Dom_ and I ended up having to kill several people after stealing cars yesterday, and you want LESS Xp?
Well, you killing those people gained you the XP did it not

1 car theft = 50XP
1 car theft + 3 kills = 200XP
1 raid with 3 kills (exc. drug xp) = 150XP
This isn't about my car being stolen, this is about it benefiting you the same amount as killing a player, the risk is very one sided as it is extremely easy to steal a person, whereas if you're killing a person chances are you could die afterwards
I think it's the same risk... Most of the time someone trying to steal a car is shot.
it seems to me that stealing cars is the best way to farm org xp and ranking. considering the time drugs take thats is
it seems to me that stealing cars is the best way to farm org xp and ranking. considering the time drugs take thats is
Just to let you know, harvesting your own drugs doesn't give you rank XP. (Unless it was recently changed)
Make the XP based on car value. No more every car not nailed down is stolen. Fancy cars have to be watched. A mincooper gives the same XP as a bugatti would and the cooper is usually the lower threat.
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I heavily disagree with this suggestion and even the compromise people are putting up.

Why would you place the xp reward value based on the car value when if I steal a mini cooper and the owner starts a shootout and I defend myself now I committed murder and I have to deal with PD. If I die I severely lose xp and if I manage to defeat the zerg I win but that's the point, it will end up way more likely to be a shootout if it's a more expensive car. All this change does is neglect the reward for car theft on cheaper cars due to the less likelihood that it would lead to a shootout but in the very possible times where it does it insufficiently rewards the player and puts them at a considerable risk of imminent xp loss just for roleplaying a GTA. Any newer org is going to have the floor wiped with them for stealing expensive cars and any sweaters who try to steal cars will face the same fate and the only alternative then would be to scrape the bottom of the barrel collecting little xp cause the only cars they're safer stealing are the ones that pay them practically no xp.

TL: DR it's a stupid idea because it renders car theft useless. Most people with expensive cars have security and cheaper cars will not but they will start paying nothing.
I heavily disagree with this suggestion and even the compromise people are putting up.

Why would you place the xp reward value based on the car value when if I steal a mini cooper and the owner starts a shootout and I defend myself now I committed murder and I have to deal with PD. If I die I severely lose xp and if I manage to defeat the zerg I win but that's the point, it will end up way more likely to be a shootout if it's a more expensive car. All this change does is neglect the reward for car theft on cheaper cars due to the less likelihood that it would lead to a shootout but in the very possible times where it does it insufficiently rewards the player and puts them at a considerable risk of imminent xp loss just for roleplaying a GTA. Any newer org is going to have the floor wiped with them for stealing expensive cars and any sweaters who try to steal cars will face the same fate and the only alternative then would be to scrape the bottom of the barrel collecting little xp cause the only cars they're safer stealing are the ones that pay them practically no xp.

TL: DR it's a stupid idea because it renders car theft useless. Most people with expensive cars have security and cheaper cars will not but they will start paying nothing.
That is the idea brother, stealing a mini Cooper and risking death/jail IS useless and people are only doing it for the leaderboard exp and nothing else
That is the idea brother, stealing a mini Cooper and risking death/jail IS useless and people are only doing it for the leaderboard exp and nothing else
newer orgs can use it for leveling up, all orgs can use it for leader board spot. it's absolutely not useless, it provides roleplay and allows orgs to establish dominance via leaderboard.

Additionally, as I had already stated, expensive cars are more likely to have security, mini coopers aren't and they are good for xp. Making them give practically nothing when there is still a very real chance of a shootout and gear loss to myself and my partners either way especially more-so with mini coopers (or any D-Class car for that matter) is stupid in my opinion because we are taking a huge risk regardless and it's providing crims more of a variety of things to do with roleplay.

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