Reflective jackets for Emergency Services.

  • Thread starter Thread starter ThomasGeorge
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Short explanation (in notes): A reflective jacket for people in the Emergency Services
- Less likely to get ran over by someone.
- More realistic.
- Increase safety of memebers in the Emergency Service

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
As a member of the Emergency service of Paralake, you are constantly under threat by road users when working during Night hours. Imagine this: There's an accident on the Highway at 1am - Police have closed off the section of the Highway and you're talking to the Lt. after he has cleaned up the scene along with two other officers and a paramedic.
Out of no where, a sweatervest in his Red Mini Cooper rushes around the corner with his headlights on, only to see a few black smudges in the road. Guess what's going to happen next? Guess what will happen if they were to have reflective jackets? I can only guess that the road user would see that and probably swerve around them, probably resulting the officer's safety to be improved.

He's an old picture I took a while back about 2 seconds before I was ran over by a vehicle.

(me as an officer before I was ran over. I was responding to something that happened outside the hospital, note the headlights, time and weather..)

Optional additions:
- It has to be a bright color like a bright yellow or bright lime.
- it doesn't have to be a total recoloring of the officer. If you want - it can just be the vest that's worn to be reflective.
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I'm not asking for something like a massive re-designing of the Police's uniform, I'm suggesting something like this.
I might as well respond to this quickly. Look up the thread that is under denied that has to do with reflective cones. It essentially asks for the same kind of material which the Source engine does not support. Yes we could potentially make one that glows in the dark but that would be terrible, and secondly the problem is not so much how dark it is. The problem stems from people not being careful of where they stand at night and people that do not drive safely at night. So if you're on a night shift, don't stand in the road as shown.

You can use this as an excuse.
For example: His situation. If you get revived. The minicooper says hr didnt see you. You can say that you were wearing a reflective jacket.

This would also make it more realistic.
@ThomasGeorge As I am on mobile and cannot comment, I will put it like this. The closest representation of this would be for you to go to the clothing store and buy a lime green shirt, and find out for yourself that people will not slow down for you any more than before. So yes I have tried and no it does not help. Just ask Jeremy Lime.

@nickjedl Pedestrians always have the right of way no matter where they are. This is true in server just as it is in real life. Running over a person is a crime no matter how you face it. The only way that the person would not be tried in a court of law is if the plaintiff (person ran over in this case) dropped all charges. However as most people drive off after the accident, the case then becomes a hit and run, which has a longer jail sentence when convicted.
@ThomasGeorge And what difference does that make? You're still the same, just different outfit. My point remains the same, as a civilian wearing lime green clothes you're still just as likely to be run over by either your own carelessness or the carelessness of others. Your clothing choice changes nothing, same would be for the police with lime green jackets.
This wouldn't make a difference, I mean it just makes you a bigger target for that angry man you just ticketed.-Support
@Anyone who rates disagree with my posts even though I have verified the color not helping firsthand, would you care to explain why? Are you disagreeing with the fact that running a person over is always a crime? If you're going to rate me as such give your reasoning as to why you feel that way. If you feel that someone can simply say they did not see someone then they're free to go as police, I suggest you check the laws again. See as that is clearly a case of negligence at its finest. It would even be a valid reason for the lieutenant to demote someone then send them to jail. A crime is a crime no matter who commits it.
Probably will be added for Speed Enforcement, but not others

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