Remove the retards!

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Topic: Add a law/rule about acting retarded in public

Short explanation (in notes):
- Add a law that will let police arrest people and take them into custody for acting like a madman that just left the asylum.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Now, after that nice title, let's begin:

Not only are the guys walking up to cops, screaming random shit, running around and jumping like crazy or misusing /me annyoing, but they are also breaking some rules. The sad part is that it's not breaking any concrete rules when done to a civillian. After reading these lines from Trande's "Basic RP-Guide", a really nice guide I think everyone on the server should read, I decided that I didn't want to deal with these characters acting retarded anymore.

Here are the exact lines from Trande's "Basic RP-Guide":

"Cop baiting:Cop baiting is, if you obviously bait cops. Driving like shit on purpose, because you want a nice chase is cop baiting. This is one of the most annoying things. It's completely on RP, and against FearRP. You don't want the cops to chase you for fun. Again, except you Roleplay a braindamaged guy."

"Always try to use proper grammar, and never just run around a cop, this kills the fun and isn't Roleplaying. Except, if you Roleplay some braindamaged guy, who left the nuthouse without effect."

Why should we have to deal with these braindamaged characters? They aren't even RP-ing properly, since they only act nuts while in the public. I've always wanted to arrest these people for 1.1, but it has never really worked. 1.1 is against acting weird after an intake of alcohol or drugs.
I think these "retards" are ruining the fun on the server, and it would be great if I could either arrest them or call the cops on them.

Optional additions:
- If not you feel like adding a law, why not a rule? Kinda like the one about SexRP. 2.8 if I'm not mistaken.
Hate to burst your bubble, but people who 'cop bait' already break laws in order to get the police's attention. Cop baiting is a direct violation of rules 2.1 and 3.4 (as you risk your persona's freedom from imprisonment without actually benefiting); but by doing it you have to break the law so I think that it's pretty clear that nothing needs to be changed here.

EDIT: Just reread what you described:
Love the title "Remove the Retards".
No but, if someone is 'retarded' out of character they are bound to be breaking server rules anyway.
In real life, you can be as retarded as you like (par the mental asylums).
From what I gather you want a server rule to prevent 'mingey behaviour'? Well as you said yourself by behaving like idiots in public or whatnot they're not directly breaking any server rules. The reason behind this is if we were to attempt to write a rule prohibiting this type of roleplay it would be a difficult task, since the rule would either be too restrictive or too open. What you have to remember is this type of roleplay isn't that big of a problem as long as you have a competent team of LEOs to deal with it if it gets out of hand. And of course as you said "or misusing /me", that in itself is breaking server rules (3.26 to be exact) so it can be dealt with OOCly. Regarding there not being a law that the LEOs can enforce to stop this behaviour, myself and Swiper are working on updating the Laws, roughly 22 additions/amendments so far, this includes the addition of some new anti-social behaviour laws so hopefully they should cover the type of behaviour you describe. I hope this cleared things up a little more for you @TheFrozenMonkeyKing, I'll leave the thread open if you want to further discuss anything.
I'm aware this is old but the fact that this section seems to be neglected makes me sad.
As previously mentioned this can be dealt with already under a variety of laws.
You could arrest them under 1.0- antisocial behaviour, 1.1 D&D, 1.2 verbal abuse (if they're abusing you which 9/10 times they are) or 8.8 failing to comply with LEO personnel.
I find that the best way of dealing with these types of people is to ticket them, cuff them then drive them somewhere out of that area.
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