As a long time member of the Administration Team I consider myself more than capable of commenting to your concerns regarding the response times. First of all, let's look back at roughly 7 Months ago here's what the staff team looked like back then:
Now I think we can all agree the scoreboard is rarely ever that full nowadays, especially considering this photo was taken on a Thursday
(08/06/14) Now you'd think that with such a large and 'active' staff team that reports would get dealt with and resolved efficiently and pro actively. Unfortunately this wasn't the case, reports would remain open for large periods of time whilst a select few of staff members went through them. Here are some examples of the Report menu back then:
Bear in mind, those screenshots were taken when the server had 40-60 players on and 7-8 Staff Members, so for just one Admin alone to be able to do so many in a row means reports were open for 10-15 minutes at a time, how's that for 'bad response time'.
Now let's fast-forward 6 Months and look at both of these factors:
Currently there are roughly 3-6 staff members on the server at 60/60 population on the average weekday, you may think this would result in less reports being done and a longer response time right? Well in my not so humble opinion this is definitely not the case, even with only 4 admins/mods on the server reports are done pro actively. There are several obvious reasons for this, including Senior Administration's ability to track reports, but that's not the point of this post, what I'm trying to emphasize is today's Staff Team is as good as I've ever seen it in terms of reports being dealt with, Ban Requests being resolved, Ban Appeals being answered etc.
And what you have to keep in mind @[CVA] Puffy Sandvich is that the Administration Team are volunteers and if you're unhappy with their performance as a whole, making a thread bashing them for it and putting them down is not the way to help them improve.
Lastly, let's see some of your reports:
Puffy Sandvich STEAM_0:1:51937904 /report I can't get out of my pool at subs 1
Puffy Sandvich STEAM_0:1:51937904 /report The door
Puffy Sandvich STEAM_0:1:51937904 /report I am stuck in the city hall pool lol
Puffy Sandvich STEAM_0:1:51937904 /report Light at intersection won't change
If an admin sees a report that simply says 'The Door' is he going to want to give it a high priority? No.
Thanks for reading.