Roleplay Events/Scenarios

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Hello, I will be focussing myself more on Roleplay.

This thread will be used to post my Roleplay Events and Scenarios in.
Sometimes rewards will be given to the people that assist/join my RP or make their own RP around.

Feel free to suggest any roleplay ideas below.
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Did a new RP scenario today.. A market street with a one way road and its own few parking spots!

Big thanks to:

@Tyla Jai for making speed bumps and enforcing the situation.
@Hayden same as tyla and for building a shop.
@flugs for building a shop and making sure the RP flows well.
@Clarky for building a shop.
@Jesse240_ for being RC and keeping the road safe and clear.
@Kenty for building his shop and his wonderfull RP.
@Travis for his makeup booth and his fun RP.
Also thanks to @Blackdown for keeping an eye on the sit and making sure it stays as passive RP!

Also congratulations to @northnortheast for winning 50k as a roleplay interaction reward! Also thanks for building your sick shop!

This was alot of fun and I hope to make way more of these in the future!
I want to do more RP events/scenarios but its very hard on my own, and also with limited funds... I am looking for people that could donate or way better, assist in making these RP scenarios, I was thinking about making one again but I simply don't have enough help to do so... If ur interested in helping with these awesome things please PM me or reply to this message.
Me and @Zoephix hosted a car show on top of the farm barn.
Winner got 50k, 2nd got 25k, 3rd got 10k. (

Congratulations to the winners:
1, @walnash - 50k
2, @blobvis 2.0 - 25k
3, @Kenty - 10k

These were the points if anyone was wondering;

Kenty Inagawa - 7 + 7 = 14 | James Birch 5 + 5.5 = 10.5 | Nikolai 6 + 6.5 = 12.5 | Tinky 4 + 5 = 9 | Blobvis 7 + 7.5 = 14.5 | Barry Dickens 8 + 8.5 = 16.5 | Blackdown/LEWIS 088/Hayden/Super_ = 4 + 4 = 8 | Zan = 7 + 7 = 14

Thanks for coming, and I hope to host more of these kinds of RP events in the future!
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Made a speedbump including overpass in the subs infront of the storage.

Courier truck was able to just about get through, it worked very well as a speedbump this time, instead of people flying into other people.... *Ehem* @Kenty
The structure still stands as of the time of posting this so you can still come and visit it.

Down below are the screenshots;
Yeah I noticed, there is only a slight amount of cars that have troubles with it, and I would smooth it out but 40 props is not enough to do so. :(

When do I get more props @Efan :P