Rule Suggestion (3.5 New Life Rule)

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Suggestion Topic: 3.5 New Life Rule
Suggestion Description: ‘While waiting for their NLR timer to run out, players should not wait in the vicinity of their NLR zone and should stay a reasonable distance away’
Maybe add some extra text explaining what is considered as vicinity and a reasonable distance away. How it’s written now leaves room for interpretation.

Add something like if you can see the NLR zone, or you are visible from NLR zone. You are in the NLR zone/vicinity. And add like being render distance away when NLR zone is visible, it’s okay. Dunno how to write it, but you get the point.

Why should this be added?:
- Could possibly cause less unnecessary punishments and/or explaining
- Leaves no room for interpretation.

What negatives could this have?:
- Extra writing
- People will have to reread this part of the rule (peeps are lazy)

What is considered a reasonable distance varies depending on where you died. As a rule of thumb, if you can see or hear the situation that lead to your death, you are too close.
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