Rule Suggestion (3.5 New Life Rule)

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Suggestion Topic: 3.5 New Life Rule
Suggestion Description: Add a longer nlr period for cops, Currently during in raids on the server it is extremely hard to raid. There are far to many cops to deal with before you can deal with the defenders inside the house you are raiding. Ill give some examples below.

Yesterday while raiding a projex apartment it appeared to be 12 people inside, This alone is a hard task to deal with due to limitations of bombs and floorbanging/raiding. ontop of this we had to deal with around 15+ cops. By the time you manage to take care of the cops they are already coming back as a unlimited number. Yes I understand cops should be "op" But if a big org like my own cant raid I am almost certain (newplayer) john tim stands no chance at all.

I am open to other suggestions/inputs on this suggestion and I also recall @Efan a while ago poling if 5.3 was going to be changed (flanking your own raid as a crim). I think this is a huge problem and needs to be changed.

Why should this be added?:
- Gives everyone a fighting chance.
- Quality of life
- Make solo raid/raiding in a small group possible.
- Adds more balancing.
- (will add if suggested)

What negatives could this have?:
- Crim have ak.
- Crim have as50
- Cops wont be able to play deathmatch and run in aiming to only kill one before dying.
(willing to add more if suggested)
Guys, there are many arguments here sure.

Lets TRY somethibg out and see how it goes, how it is now clearly isnt something majority of people like, even some cop mains agree that the current system is flawed.

I think sidds idea about NLR timer based on cop amount is suitable to try first. If not an increase to 7 or 10 mins nlr after respawn.
What happened to you making PD have a budget and reducing cop slots?
I dont see how cop slots reduction wilø change anything considering 8/10 times there are less then 16 cops online, even less usually.

The recent week there has been more though
The argument that raiders should get in and out before the NLR timer expires is kind of voided with the current base-rules of the server... It's not usually something you can get done in a hurry if you also have to be worried about cops. And I think Bnej explained it well: There's simply not really a good option for stealth.. Whether that's for better or worse, I wouldn't know.

The idea of NLR being bigger for cops is alright, but my main issues is.. what if you die on the highway? Or intersection? Or even at Business Street. You'd be crippled from doing normal patrols, as these areas are restricted to you.

I know it is wishful thinking, but the ideal solution would be to increase NLR for cops BUT don't lower their health so they can pass through their NLR zones on a patrol to move on. I however know fully that this will be abused and make our lives as moderators even more miserable.

It's a hard balance and I can see how it's unfairly swayed at large numbers - but it's a power dynamic that changes drastically according to the number of active players and cops. Because at low numbers, PD will get absolutely steamrolled. It's a really difficult dynamic to manage, but I think this could be in the right direction.
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Besides, most of the time I don't even wanna go back to a shootout. I just wanna go back to doing traffic stops :(
TBH id be willing to trial same rules for crim/cop.

Die, dont return


Die, BOTH cop/crim can return.


Raise nlr. - im more up to try any of them.
This isn't CSGO If you want chaos go play that.
If PVP was taken out 2/3rd of the server population would eventually just dip you realize that right?

be honest would you be a police officer in perp if you couldn't have free guns and health and equipment to go run around responding to scenes. Perhaps a new update where each time you even pull out your gun you need to write a 3 paragraph report about it just like real life so we maintain more order.
If PVP was taken out 2/3rd of the server population would eventually just dip you realize that right?

be honest would you be a police officer in perp if you couldn't have free guns and health and equipment to go run around responding to scenes. Perhaps a new update where each time you even pull out your gun you need to write a 3 paragraph report about it just like real life so we maintain more order.
Thats the thing lol I enjoy that type of RP. That's the reason why i ranked up in PD and why I started doing Arma 3 Life a long time ago. Im here for RP. Im down with some shootings but responding to them back to back to back then sitting in the black screen for a time longer then I do actually playing is miserable simple as that. This is paralake not fucking Chicago. Go play CSGO or Siege if you want that shooting experience 24/7
Thats the thing lol I enjoy that type of RP. That's the reason why i ranked up in PD and why I started doing Arma 3 Life a long time ago. Im here for RP. Im down with some shootings but responding to them back to back to back then sitting in the black screen for a time longer then I do actually playing is miserable simple as that. This is paralake not fucking Chicago. Go play CSGO or Siege if you want that shooting experience 24/7
I see, sorry for misunderstanding. I agree a level of moderation brings fun to the server regarding shootouts and considering cops are already protected by 3.4 and 2.5 so that they don't get rdm'ed and traffic stops don't initiate shootouts I'd say the way it is at the moment in regards to initiating shootouts is pretty solid. The only real 3 reasons you shoot cops is one of your buddies or you committed murder, protecting drugs, somebody did manslaughter or assault with weapon which are all pretty rare scenarios to get into confrontation with the cops over on their own if you just try to avoid police as you already should if you're a criminal. Those who don't are already punished by 3.4 for not caring about their freedom.
Then go play that instead of trying to bring that garbage here
"That garbage" is literally how the server has been since I started playing fuck knows how many years ago, raiding and similar criminal activities is what makes the server fun. Don't forget without the chaos that we cause you wouldn't have half the content in your cops videos and you'd get bored only pulling people over for headlights and shooting the odd sweater who dares fire his gun.
"That garbage" is literally how the server has been since I started playing fuck knows how many years ago, raiding and similar criminal activities is what makes the server fun. Don't forget without the chaos that we cause you wouldn't have half the content in your cops videos and you'd get bored only pulling people over for headlights and shooting the odd sweater who dares fire his gun.
I mean it wasn't this fucking crazy when I started originally back in 2015. Me and my buddy literally were on duty patrolling for literally 5 hours at one point(summer break) and during that thing we only had 2 shootings and the rest was good roleplay which I fucking loved. A bunch of the chaos getting fucking cut out from the final product of my videos. Yes I include some chaos but I try and aim for traffic stops, other various investigations and hell even some car chases. I dont like the constant chaos that includes almost 0 roleplay. You act like all I want is the chaos which is very much the opposite. I'm fine with shootings. I have a problem when I come on duty and within the hour ive sat staring at a black screen a lot longer then i have playing the fucking game. No point in being on if im going to sit there with a thumb up my ass waiting to repsawn AND for NLR to expire.
I'm gonna be completely honest here and just say I've never seen an actual criminal buff that benefits them in shootouts, nor have I seen a PD nerf that impacts them negatively in any way. The PD has had constant updates throughout the years ranging from adding weapons, the slots increasing, adding cars, having more ammo on them, more ammo in their cars and so on, making it so so easy to do their jobs but not once have I seen an update that scales up how crims can fight them easier and its always the same arguments, crims even got a nerf saying we cant re-respond to raids after NLR quite some time ago.

Now back on topic. If you don't think that an average of 3-4 Heavy TFU with double the HP of civs, free rifles, scopes, snipers and a bulletproof van, alongside around 10 pistol cops who also have armour, free weapons/cars etc is more than enough to fight against 5-6 criminals then you are deluded. Just please understand what the difference between a gameplay issue is and a skill issue.
I mean it wasn't this fucking crazy when I started originally back in 2015. Me and my buddy literally were on duty patrolling for literally 5 hours at one point(summer break) and during that thing we only had 2 shootings and the rest was good roleplay which I fucking loved. A bunch of the chaos getting fucking cut out from the final product of my videos. Yes I include some chaos but I try and aim for traffic stops, other various investigations and hell even some car chases. I dont like the constant chaos that includes almost 0 roleplay. You act like all I want is the chaos which is very much the opposite. I'm fine with shootings. I have a problem when I come on duty and within the hour ive sat staring at a black screen a lot longer then i have playing the fucking game. No point in being on if im going to sit there with a thumb up my ass waiting to repsawn AND for NLR to expire.

It wasnt this crazy because the police slots were only 12 back then and the server was averaging 60 players instead of 120.
Dear God no, this will literally end in hour-long shootouts.
I know, my point is how it already is for criminals that we come in waves.

Make it fair, if crims cant return, no one can. Plain and simple.

Lets try it out for a week. It cant hurt that much, we can revert if it dosent work.

Lets find a solution to a year long problem instead of putting it on hold much longer. This is one of the biggest frustrations for people on perp imo
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Dear God no, this will literally end in hour-long shootouts.
so simple make the cop stop going back to same place where is they died in shootout and trust me the shootout wont stay for long time

on the contrary the shootout will end faster if cops dont go back to the same place !
civ advantages
more guns avilbel
more cars avilbel
can raid with open number (but hard to big ammount(more than 8) of people you need people who you can trust)

civ disadvantages
pay for your gun and ammo
craft your gun (take time to craft)
pay for bandegs (take time to craft)
pay for stims (take time to craft)
cant flank for there friends even if there NLR done
grow to get money faster
can lose your gun any time
hard to raid solo

plpd advantages
free guns (dont have to pay)
free bandegs ( no need to craft or pay)
free stims (no need to craft or pay)
free cars (they can crash in to you with 80mph)
more heal (arrmor) + tfu health
dont care if they lose or win shootout
can go back to shootout if they died
can go up to 26 police officers 6 tfu and you trust all of them
NLR can show in police computer
can run faster that civ

plpd disadvantages
cant have all guns on server (ak/AS50/g3/m82)
maybe hard to communication to each other (they dont know each other)

help me to find any more dis of adv !


at the end i hope my friends (especially cop main) to undeastand we pay for everything we use from guns tell fule .......
I'm fine with adding the rule that cops can't go back after they have died.

However, I think a potential cause of this is that criminals are sticking around too much to collect "everything". We should enforce the fact that several people are overstaying their welcome in a shootout to collect guns in a very pubic area. If you had a shootout at Wood Cabins, sure go ahead and collect guns. But don't run halfway across the highway to suburbs after a shootout at Intersection to pick up guns. That's too pushing it, and at that point you are literally not leaving any choice for the cops to even leave. Cause that's one of the point that can make a cop's life difficult, cause how will the crim know that you're just a cop passing by to go on patrol? He won't. It ends in confusion and repeat shootouts.

As such, I think a trial run of the following could be beneficial:
- Disallow Cops to return to raids after they have died there. Same rules as criminals.
- Strike down harder on people staying around crime scenes in public MORE. Cause it's being swept under the rug rn. With this I don't mean you can't do shootouts at all or that you can't grab your dead pal's gun, but there's a limit on how long you should spend on that. If that includes 2-3 minutes of just walking and collecting, nah. Get out instead when you have the chance. (Note the words "in public". I do not mean in a raid of a private property, moreso shootouts in public areas like Bazaar or Intersection/Bank).

The reason I suggest this is that I have actually seen this lead to a 50-minute shootout between cops and orgs. If cops hadn't returned and if the criminals had left and given the cops a chance to go on about their day, this wouldn't be an issue in my mind.

Let me know what you think.
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