Rust - Play with us!


Reaction score
Hey guys, over the past couple of days some of us have been playing the new Rust. We're looking to get a few people to tag along and help out. So far it's @Krinkles, @BillySavery, @Pear, @John Daymon and a few more of us.

Currently, we're on a server called Rustopia [EU/UK], find the server or just get us on your friends. Couldn't be bothered to spice up the post soz.

EDIT: Oh yeah hop onto Team Speak, we're in the rust channel all the way at the bottom.
As @Jordan decided to not make a fancy post I'm just gonna put some ranks down

@Krinkles - Queen

@BillySavery - King

@Jordan - Prince

@Me - Priest of the Village

@Pear - Assistant of the priest

@AyJay - Polish Builder

@Walker - Citizen

You might wonder what the hell this is? Well this is the way from the community house to the RockValley

p.s my drawing is so aids because my laser on my mouse is so fucked, it jumps around
If you are under the age of 15 and I hear you outside screaming any variation of the following phrases you will be subject to a rough application of a rock to the face.

Banned Phrases:
  • Swiper!
  • Admin!
  • Admong!
  • I brought you things, can I live with you Swiper?
Is anyone still interested in playing? Im just about to buy it and I would like someone with a bit of experience to help me.