S.W.A.T Classes

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Topic: SWAT Classes

Short explanation (in notes):
-Add classes to SWAT Team
-After Joining the SWAT Team a menu in which you can choose a class will pop up
-3 new classes

Detailed description (why should it become added) :

-Remington 870
-2 Flashbangs
Max Breachers:1

-M16A2(Changable to any assault rifle)
-Glock 20
-10 Droppable Bandages
Max Medics:2

-Sniper Rifle
-Beretta M9
Max Snipers:1

This should be added because it will add more teamwork to the SWAT team: they will have to work together. It also adds realism since in real life SWAT officers aren't trained to handle any weapon, they are only trained for one speciality.

Optional Additions:
Not sure about the medic class since it would make the medic job useless.
This is actually quite a good idea, except it should be a choice of gun not just one.
Seems rather useless to be honest as you already got a medic and what would the SWAT medic even do? I mean honestly it feels like you want him to combat heal everyone...

I really like this idea, and i think it really help the teamwork factor.

Not sure about the medic class since it would make the medic job useless.

Now, as for this. They wouldn't replace paramedics, they'd just be able to stop others' bleeding.
The S.W.A.T officers could also just figure it out themselves, the only thing that's different is the bandages.
I'm really not too keen on this idea to be honest. Personally I just feel it's pointless the SWAT team can just figure out themselves who has what job. Also a potential problem is that members of the team can get stuck in a class which isn't needed or they don't want to play. For example if there's 3/4 swat and there's only a sniper position open someone is going to be forced into going sniper and snipers are rarely needed therefore making that member of the team kinda useless whereas now people are given a free choice on who has what gun and other specific tactics so SWAT can utilise every member of the team not just the breachers and medics.
+Support - I think it would be really nice to organize them into classes. Instead of going to get the weapon and that being it, you can have multiple different classes such as:

- Tactical Force Operations Unit
- Armed Response Unit

This would put them into groups and allow for teamwork across the board, the roleplay value would also be very nice. Armed response could take the door while the tactical operations unit could ensure the operation runs smoothly.
While I get what you're trying to do, and I talked about something similar at one point. It overall would end up limiting effectiveness by quite a lot by not being suited for any situation. Or you would have certain people that refuse to take a needed role and then SWAT can't function cohesively. As well as by your own list, not many people would choose to be SWAT "medic", as their job is mostly to aid others and don't get to shoot the big guns as they like to do.

Overall my feeling is: it's a good idea in theory, but in practice it would just crumble and not help or be of any use. If our entire gamemode was devoted to SWAT raiding drug dens, then I could see doing something like this, but that'd be more like Payday or something then and doesn't match any sense of RP.
+/- Support

A quite good idea but the medic class could ruin the job of paramedics.