S.W.A.T Leader

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Topic: Adding S.W.A.T Leader Job?

Short explanation (in notes):
- Ur the leader of the SWAT team
- U lead the raids with the LT
- Ur the same rank as a sergeant

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
The lieutenants always tell the SWAT that hes the leader. So why not add SWAT leader job?
It should be added because its really usefull for raids that he can lead the SWAT team together with the LT

Optional additions:
- U get bobbypins from the guy that gives bandages.
- U get 1 frag grenade
- U can get the Deagle

PS : Sorry for bad english and grammar.
This just reminds me a bit too much of DarkRP.

All Swat's have special training. It should be possible to complete raids without a leader. You already have a LT, and now also a dispacher, so you should be capable to deal with situations
You don't need a specific job. You can just decide who the leader is going to be. Also the LT and SGT already have leading roles and the correct equipment; same as S.W.A.T. Furthermore when there is no SGT or LT on duty the S.W.A.T have the leading roles anyway.
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