Should we switch from Teamspeak to Discord?

PERPHeads TeamSpeak 3 or Discord?

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It goes up to 96 kbps without paying and it's perfectly fine audio quality. There's barely a difference between 128kbps vs 96kbps though.

if you prefer TS over Discord u should get your head out of your ass

TS looks ugly as hell
Of course you can use Discord in large communities, idk where that came from
discord is more popular for a reason mate.....
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Why though? Why can't serious interviews be on Discord? It's so unnecessary to have two official chat applications
please no please please please

Discord still has a bunch of issues. While it's easier to ban evade on discord, i simply wish to refuse to connect my phone to Discord. Teamspeak's 'wait a few minutes while we burn your CPU' method seems just fine to be honest. Discord's already shitty in terms of privacy and i really value that i can commicate in some discord with a burner mail and a VPN. i dont want to use seperate accounts

Its also a shitty SJW company and im going to garantee you the Discord will be Shoa'd every few months because edgy perma banned faggots s are going to post the new zealand shooting video's at 4AM in the morning.
Discord also has several privacy concerns too.

Also like Keiwam mentioned the icons behind your name in Teamspeak is just useful. Yes, you have colors and ranks in Discord too but you have to click on the names of several people to find sombody. No, i have no fucking clue who the fuck TFU/RTU trainers are. I have no fucking clue who my command leader fucking is and i'm never going to be able to remember that. Seeing the list of icons and descriptions is easier.

Teamspeak is just less cluttered. You can AFK in the lobby, nobody is trying to fucking @everyone, @plpd, @command or @whateverthefuck you all the time. If you're needed on TS you just hop on and talk.

Discord will devide the community by essentialy creating another chatbox, and having to check 20 different rooms trying to keep up with information is annoying. We have the Forums for that, it's nice having your annoucements, chat box for banter and small things in one place.

Yes teamspeak looks ugly, who fucking cares?

@Puma "discord is more popular for a reason mate..... " Because anyone can create a free server where as Teamspeak you have to host one yourself. In return you get ultimate freedom and Privacy. Something average Joe doesn't care about or doesn't know about, yet they should.

"Discord will allow for faster responses from staff and PLPD!!!!"
No fuck that, be patient you annoying little prick, im not working Customer Support here and neither are the PLPD command and the staff team. If im able to talk to people i'm on Teamspeak. If i don't want to talk to people, i'm not on teamspeak. Just being online on my PC with Discord open(because i have to) and have people from other Servers and perp calling me is really fucking annoying.
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pressed enter too quickly gimme a moment
You don't need to connect your phone to Discord.
What does SHOAD even mean?
You don't need to click on the names to find out who's TFU or whatever either. It's literally on the sidebar?
"You have to click on the names of several people to find somebody" What does this mean? Elaborate.
"You can AFK in lobby" You can do that in discord too lol
"Nobody is trying to @everyone, @plpd, @command" You can turn that off for certain ranks dude
What i mean with shoa(google it) is that the server will be purged, and several other users will be purged if they said controversial stuff.

The sidebar only prioritizes the highest rank on the Discord Hiarachy. Mods will be mods. you cannot see different positions people hold, only one of them in the blink of an eye. Having to figure out who holds what is just annoying.

"You have to click on the names of several people to find somebody" What i meant with this is, is that there isn't a simple overview of who is online and what their roles and ranks are, without either seing only their primary role or by clicking on people online in Discord

"You can AFK in lobby" You can do that in discord too lol
What i mean with this is that, if you want to be available for people to Poke you or talk to you, you can enter the Teamspeak and wait. On discord you're always just online meaning people always expect an answer from you.
No, i have no fucking clue who the fuck TFU/RTU trainers are. I have no fucking clue who my command leader fucking is and i'm never going to be able to remember that.
you could just search "Patrol Command"/"Head of Patrol" or "Traffic Command"/"Head of Traffic" or "TFU Trainer"/"Traffic Trainer".
If you think you need to go on ts to see who holds what rank then you have probaly logged onto to get officer then never before, additionally the PLPD discord looks like this
which is the exact same information TS hold
(meant as a reply for sneaky but im tired innit @Sneaky )
"Controversial stuff". Do you mean spamming the N word or just racism in general? If so, then the chances of that happening is slim. The only chance of that happening is if Perpheads gets verified
btw there are loads of discord servers dedicated to loli shit and gore that have not been taken down, and these servers have hundreds of users.

IMO your 2nd point is very cherry pickyish, as in It's not that big of a deal. You can easily find what you're looking for by using 5 seconds of your time. Hell, we can make pinned posts and write down the names of all the staff members and TFU to make it easier.

There is a simple overview of who is online. Green means online, red means do not disturb and grey is offline.