Something i felt like posting.

Reaction score
This is in NO WAY meant to be an offense to the server.


Constant mugging
Crappy money system
Nothing but gun shops
Overpriced cars.
Bank robbery
Underpowered cops.
Lack of passive RP
System that hurts people who try to passive RP
Pointless raiding.
"Indestructible" organizations.
Unrealistic timing.


Constant mugging
Constant bank robbery.
Decent Cop power
Nothing but gun shops.
System that hurts passive RP
Lack of passive RP
Asshole staff.
Pointless kIlling
Indestructible orgs.
Semi-realistic timing.
Overpriced cars
Meh. Money system.

Not much of a difference. Please tell me if you have anything to add. And dont just rate it dumb. It's a thought i have been developing for a while.
You can't even compare PH and DarkRP due to the huge gap between them. The money system is not unbalanced at all. Ever heard of inflation? Now let me take this point by point;

1. It's real easy to avoid being mugging if you know the rules of it and don't walk into alleyways etc. A lot of new players look at mugging as a good money source, something it isn't in my opinion.

2. As I said, inflation. The money system is decent, and you can earn quick money through drugs plants & meth. However that can be risky.

3. I can't seem to understand where you get this from. Not alot of people make gun shops, some players has made other RP shops for fun and RP though. (@Prepper ). And I can't see this as negative as it gives a feeling of a suburban city when visiting the buisness zone.

4. The cars aren't overpriced, yes there are some real expensive cars, but you can get a decent car for 1/3 of those prices. Those aren't overpriced though as it's easy to earn money, which again has to do with inflation.

5. Bank robberies can be hard as you need minimum 4 LEOs online to start it. And if there's 5k there's most likely no more than 5 LEOs counting the Lt. And with 5k in the bank you won't see a huge org robbing the bank.

6. The cops aren't underpowered at all. The reason criminals succeed with crimes is cause the LEOs lack tactics and sometimes won't do what the Lt. tells them. If they are tactical and don't go guns blazing, you'll see they aren't underpowered.

7. There's alot of PassiveRP when I'm online. Often when I play, i decorate a small suburban house and might grow somewhere in the house while RPing. Alot of experienced players do PassiveRP. Just get some spare cash in case you get unlucky and someone steals from you.

8. This is one of the few valid points you have. However It's not the dev. team's responsibility since this "system" is the community members themselves and what they want to do.

9. Rich people often raid, yes, as they get bored and don't want to PassiveRP, or it's just not their playstyle. The will to freely raid someone can't be taken from them due to them being rich. Or maybe It can be a sweater raiding. Doesn't matter. PERP is criminality RP as I've been told.

10. Orgs are made and gain power. They can easily be held at bay if you can defend yourself. If you get constantly raided then consider joining one yourself or earn money as a gov. employee. As i said, PERP is about criminality.

11. Excuse me? This is merely a term for new players due to the start clothing which makes it easier for staff to recognize them. Alot of people also doesn't raid/mug sweatervests ss they are new to the server.

12. I understand it as if you mean the day-night cycle. It's as good as Stephen can make it and is great. Having night & day is a great addition and, yes, it doesn't match the clock sometimes, but It's still great. How else should the timecycle be handled in your opinion?
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Lack of passive rp? Thats what you make it. You want passive rp? Then passive rp Buddy. It's not like everyone on the server are idiots who cannot passivly rp. Me and Pear did it for 2 weeks straight and we had people joining us and we had so much fun I mean honestly you can still grow drugs and so on.

And for the "unrealistic timer" do you want to sit on the server for 3-4 months Waiting for marijuana? Honestly I dont think you would.

Vehicles; Honestly so you want them to be lower priced? First you said it's to easy to get money and then you say cars are overpriced? Honestly WTF? My Volvo that I got is going 65 double upgraded, yes I spent 1,5mil on it or something that is due to my chrome though, and honestly there's loads of cars in the market you can buy thats faster than my volvo and only costs like 400k, and if you now say its unrealistic with the prices on the vehicles then honestly you want everyone to be driving the Bugatti Veyron's and shit...

Underpowered cops? Nope, cops are OP as hell as they got armour and a sweet Glock 20 and Sgt's M1911 and 4 SWAT Officers with Assault Rifles and Full armour, I believe that they're greatly balanced at the moment
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Something I feel like posting..

Go away if you don't like it? Or post suggestions of how things could be improved. Don't just list things that aren't backed up by evidence and compare us to DarkRP.

Try find a PERP or any server of this calibare and say its better. You nonce.

No evidence backing up any of this. Cops are actually very strong, as long as they are even slightly organized and actually utilize tactics.
The money system is great, I have no clue why you don't like it.
Most of the great RP'ers actually do passive RP.
Car prices are realistic if the currency would be DKK (Also, inflation, and earning money is much faster than real life.)
Organizations are not indestructible. They only look indestructible with their large amounts of people, but they are definitely not.
Gun shops are also a major business in real life (America), so why not in PERP as well?
And criminal activities (mugging and bank robberies) are also frequent in real life (yet again America).

And how dare you compare PERP to the least serious form of RP that barely resembles any form of RP, and is almost the same as playing a deathmatch, with slightly different rules and other ways of getting weapons.

And so, I vote DUMB.
If the vehicles was "too low of a price" this would make the economy really bad, too many people would be driving in del-boy whips and allot of others but you know the money system is easy just power grow or go a government job e.g road-crew or medic.
Unfortunately you don't passive role-play to experience others passive RP, I passive RP as a bazaar security or housing "Doman's security".
The cars are so expensive because its so easy to make cash, Drugs are extremely profitable and as a cop you earn more than $200 a minute so after a couple hours as a cop you would have made like 30k from paychecks then there's all the raids with drugs and guns which you get cash from, So don't complain of the car prices and compare our server to DarkRP. DarkRP is the definition of Aids.
The police are hardly under powered, they can surprisingly get away with quite a lot. Sweatervests are newbies to the gamemode, everyone who has ever played at PERPheads was at sometime a sweatervest, their development from this sweatervest state to the position they're now in represents massive RP. Raiding is not pointless, unless you're retarded and can't shoot. Or prepare well enough to have a backup/ escape plan. No organisation is indestructible, everything falls in the end, and no one stays at the top forever. If you're not strong enough to bring down an organisation, just wait it out, it wont take long.

Personally you stand out as the player who tried to RP as a criminal, failed after being raided contentiously. Tried to raid others yourself, and again failed. So decided to spend most of your time as a cop. As a cop, you got yourself into situation in which you were shot. If you raided a property, you were most likely shot too, because the PLPD don't plan. So you got angry, and in retaliation you decided to compare PERPheads to DarkRP. Unfortunately however, us PERPheads players don't like being compared to dirty DarkRP gamers. So now you've got most of the community to dislike you as well, congratulations. Like your raids, attempts to grow, or arrest people, you've not really planned this one out.
I see where your coming from with the money and that, and people on this server are very quick to defend the server from what you're saying. Problem is, you've said nothing to improve any of the problems that we allegedly have. If you have any suggestions, make them, rather than bitching about it on a forum thread that you obviously knew was going to get rated as 'Dumb' as soon as people saw it, that's why you put the little notice at the bottom.


In addition, the cost of the cars is something called 'Inflation' because a load of people have a load of money, the cost of things goes up. If everyone on the planet had millions of pounds in their bank account, everyone would have an Audi or a Lamborghini (In theory), but in reality, the cost would go from 1 million, to 100 million so that they're rare because of the limited resources on the planet.

You can't start moaning about the server when you don't suggest anything to make things better.

To me it looks like you have been mugged or raided and then decided to moan about it like a lot of people do.

If you have a problem with Roleplay suggest things so it gets better. Unless you suggest things to get better you can't expect things to get better.
You're probably just mad about the server being buggy at the moment. Grab yourself a cup of tea and chill out. Everything will be fixed soon, and then you can play.

They are two completely different things, just chill out and wait or go play some DarkRP until we get the server fixed. Yeah? :)
From my experience with you as a player, you either sit in a room growing the bare, or end up doing something abnormal which results in you being RIP, you will then spam a wad of reports.

As it has been stated in this post, passive RP requires you to make, be it through organisations or buildings of business, the problem will likely be your play style.

Prices in Paralake are inflated, this is because of the sheer amount of money you can make within a minute compared to real life, think of it as one dollar being worth 1500 Paralake dollars or something along them lines.

1. I've not been mugged in a long period of time, don't make enemies or don't ball into the forest alone.
2. Find a better one and link me it
3. Look around, this passive RP you claim to not exist is mainly taking place in these shops you have not bothered to look for.
4. - stated it above with the inflation system.
5. Just stating bank robbery doesn't mean anything.
6. You must be trolling, or you're just that cop that balls in thinking he's the Iraqi Rambo
7. Nah
8. Make a suggestion, the game mode is highly moddable
9. You raid for fun, you get money out of it, don't see your problem.
10. Indestructible organisations? Never heard of one, the organisations lately have been dire.
11. Again, words without description mean little, everyone is new at one point, educate them.
12. Explain this please

You can improve the game-play by suggesting logical, well fleshed out ideas.
*Honest uncensored opinion*

Every fucking idea i post is denied or spammed with dumb. You really think i want to make more ideas just because fuck it? I don't. I say this stuff because i have commented and idead about it. But people just spam it with dumb and it gets denied because it's unnecessary. Well guess what? Gmod is unescessary. So is perp. Its not about being adequate people, its about being better than the rest. Dont stop at good, even though You cant be thlry as hard as fucking possible to be perfect.

Now watch. This will get rated dumb by everyone as well. I know it.
*Honest uncensored opinion*

Every fucking idea i post is denied or spammed with dumb. You really think i want to make more ideas just because fuck it? I don't. I say this stuff because i have commented and idead about it. But people just spam it with dumb and it gets denied because it's unnecessary. Well guess what? Gmod is unescessary. So is perp. Its not about being adequate people, its about being better than the rest. Dont stop at good, even though You cant be thlry as hard as fucking possible to be perfect.

Now watch. This will get rated dumb by everyone as well. I know it.

Someone's on there way to beat Mr. Steamed xdddd.

@Murtsley stop all these random dumb votes. Please.
Someone's on there way to beat Mr. Steamed xdddd.

@Murtsley stop all these random dumb votes. Please.

Difference between this post and Revenges. This post is dumb. Puffy Sandwich we make an active effort to ensure the server content stays fresh and people play by the rules. Of course its never going to be 100 percent, but as a community member we expect you to help us out with ensuring the server has new content and roleplay rolls on.
Constant mugging: What? I haven't been mugged in ages, it also seems like you're the only person that keeps getting constant mugged, make some friends buddy.

Crappy money system: How?

Nothing but gun shops: What else is there to sell? Chinese food??

Overpriced cars: It's perp, its based on real-life, A bugatti dosen't cost a dolla my friend.

Bank robbery: And?

Underpowered cops: Oh no, have you tried being one?

Lack of passive RP: I see passive RP all the time, infact when I'm not growing I do it.

System that hurts people who try to passive RP: Dumb and no.

Pointless raiding: Get a few barricades and a pistol and you'll be fine, most of the people that are raiding sucks and or have 5 fps.

"Indestructible" organizations: Get some skill.

Sweatervests: ..

Unrealistic timing: ..