You can't even compare PH and DarkRP due to the huge gap between them. The money system is not unbalanced at all. Ever heard of inflation? Now let me take this point by point;
1. It's real easy to avoid being mugging if you know the rules of it and don't walk into alleyways etc. A lot of new players look at mugging as a good money source, something it isn't in my opinion.
2. As I said, inflation. The money system is decent, and you can earn quick money through drugs plants & meth. However that can be risky.
3. I can't seem to understand where you get this from. Not alot of people make gun shops, some players has made other RP shops for fun and RP though. (
@Prepper ). And I can't see this as negative as it gives a feeling of a suburban city when visiting the buisness zone.
4. The cars aren't overpriced, yes there are some real expensive cars, but you can get a decent car for 1/3 of those prices. Those aren't overpriced though as it's easy to earn money, which again has to do with inflation.
5. Bank robberies can be hard as you need minimum 4 LEOs online to start it. And if there's 5k there's most likely no more than 5 LEOs counting the Lt. And with 5k in the bank you won't see a huge org robbing the bank.
6. The cops aren't underpowered at all. The reason criminals succeed with crimes is cause the LEOs lack tactics and sometimes won't do what the Lt. tells them. If they are tactical and don't go guns blazing, you'll see they aren't underpowered.
7. There's alot of PassiveRP when I'm online. Often when I play, i decorate a small suburban house and might grow somewhere in the house while RPing. Alot of experienced players do PassiveRP. Just get some spare cash in case you get unlucky and someone steals from you.
8. This is one of the few valid points you have. However It's not the dev. team's responsibility since this "system" is the community members themselves and what they want to do.
9. Rich people often raid, yes, as they get bored and don't want to PassiveRP, or it's just not their playstyle. The will to freely raid someone can't be taken from them due to them being rich. Or maybe It can be a sweater raiding. Doesn't matter. PERP is criminality RP as I've been told.
10. Orgs are made and gain power. They can easily be held at bay if you can defend yourself. If you get constantly raided then consider joining one yourself or earn money as a gov. employee. As i said, PERP is about criminality.
11. Excuse me? This is merely a term for new players due to the start clothing which makes it easier for staff to recognize them. Alot of people also doesn't raid/mug sweatervests ss they are new to the server.
12. I understand it as if you mean the day-night cycle. It's as good as Stephen can make it and is great. Having night & day is a great addition and, yes, it doesn't match the clock sometimes, but It's still great. How else should the timecycle be handled in your opinion?