Space Astronomy Minecraft (cuz tekit is old)

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Been playing on my space astronomy server for a while now, together with some friends. If you're interested in joining reply with your username and you'll be whitelisted, I'll pm you the IP afterwards.

This mod pack provides tons of entertainment, the goal of the pack is to reach other solar systems and so but you don't have to if you're not interested in that kind of thing and just wish to stick to the overworld.

You can get the pack trough Curse launcher or the old FTB launcer. Just search for Space Astronomy under 3rd party mod packs.

Me and my frends just took our first trips to the moon so plenty of time to catch up ;)



The basic rules apply:
No griefing
No stealing
No PVP without consent of both players
Don't be a douche bag

@Feng Yamaguchi lol

Me and my friends usually play at night atm

We have updated to version 1.6.0 release for space space astronomy, make sure you update your client!
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Username: Henry_BG2
I am pretty interested in this as i haven't played minecraft in a few months.
It would be an honour to play with a PH member.
i've played this so much back when i was addicted to minecraft, username is MGSneaky
I made my name and changed it recently and can't change it back so I get banned on every server i go on, rip my mineplex ultra rank, i got banned for my name.