Staff issue


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Anyone noticed that recently reports will take a very long amount of time to be completed on average & the ratio of staff actively doing reports to users will often be very low, even during peak times?

It's been a growing problem recently on the server, and it has led to massive mounting pressure on the few active staff who do a lot of reports. Surely in some way this needs to be addressed? There simply aren't enough active staff members for the amount of players the server gets; there needs to be some sort of push for more good applicants to come forward because in no world should there be no staff members on during peak hours.
I think it's important to remember that the school year has just started, so some fetuses staff members may be back at school now, leading to reduced activity. Additionally, there were a few resignations recently, and there's other things the community at large isn't privy to that may be having a detrimental effect on handling reports.

Also, shit reports slow things down for everyone. The better your report is, the faster a staff member can get through it and move onto the next. retarded reports that just say shit like "failrp from obomba" are so spectacularly unhelpful. It gives everyone who looks at it cancer, nobody wants to take it and deal with whatever muppet wrote that, and so it holds up every report afterwards because report skipping bad.
I think it's important to remember that the school year has just started, so some fetuses staff members may be back at school now, leading to reduced activity. Additionally, there were a few resignations recently, and there's other things the community at large isn't privy to that may be having a detrimental effect on handling reports.
It's been like this for some weeks now however, even prior to the school year starting. I can understand the impact of school completely, but this has been an evident issue bubbling up for some time now and it's safe to say it has now got out of control. We've been able to see this coming from a mile away yet the response has not been appropriate for it in terms of staff recruitment.

Also, shit reports slow things down for everyone. The better your report is, the faster a staff member can get through it and move onto the next. retarded reports that just say shit like "failrp from obomba" are so spectacularly unhelpful. It gives everyone who looks at it cancer, nobody wants to take it and deal with whatever muppet wrote that, and so it holds up every report afterwards because report skipping bad.
Definitely agree, ran into this issue myself when I was staff. I think at a point however there shouldn't be such scrutiny on staff for report skipping when they're the only one present to do the reports and they have to work efficiently to stop things piling up. Why restrict staff even further when they're already in an essentially unwinnable position?
@Nate rise to the challenge... the city needs its hero once more
bro can't even keep his account safe
There should be an Enforcer Fair hosted in the City Hall Library or empty room monthly. Participants can be screened to see if they are eligible for Enforcer, and if they are, they get a moment to explain why they think they'd be a good candidate, answer questions from administration, the crowd etc. The outcome of this would then be discussed in the following admin meeting (or something). Rough draft concept, but it could bring in more applicants and be a fun idea.
Well, the holdup on some reports is that people often do not screen-record the incident, at least on my end. When that happens, every single time I'll usually have to resort to watching demos which pulls me out of the server for approximately 20 to 40 minutes. This will result in me handling reports I know I can take care of with actual evidence within the report and placing the report with no evidence on the back burner, depending on the type of report. Then you have to remember we open an F6 with the accused player, validate their responses, and or wait for their responses. If they leave the game we will reach out and try to contact them outside of the game via Disord or worse, Steam. Some of these reports take time.

Yes, there are also staff members who are going back to school or like me, have to leave town for work-related business. At the end of the day, there is still an action request sub-thread and things will get taken care of at some point, sometimes it won't always be immediate.