Stupidest shit you’ve ever done

went like 50kmh on a pedal gokart downhill, saw a car and had to evade it causing me to yeet over a speedbump and fell off the kart. I held on while my leg was being dragged under the kart + my own weight. entire leg became a meat crayon and there was blood everywhere. i still have a weird large empty void inside my leg from that

edit: to describe the gore many layers of skin were shredded off and even moving my leg caused intense pain. ive had less painful 80kmh motorbike crashes. wear proper gear when doing dangerous stuff lads!
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You know as a kid in the netherlands we always do this, well at least people around me. So youre going full speed on your bike to your friend and then act like youre gonna run them over but then stop so you scare them. I once did that to my friend who was also on his bike and was also coming full speed at me, instead of us both going other way so we dodged he went to where I went so we had a huge crash and he broke his arm and leg, and yet I had 0 injures, just couple scars. I've actually never broken any bones.

I also once thought when I was 9, I was superman soi got up on the side of the couch and jumped off and tried to 'fly' and then I landed on my had and had to go to hospital, in the end nothing wrong. I got better in 2 days.
Here's some more dumb shit I've done:

- Got too cocky on my first time BMXing on a school camping trip in like 2011, Decided it would be a wise idea to try jumping a ramp on a BMXing stunt track with next to no real cycling experience, went airborne into a hedge of stinging nettles and brambles (Which shouldn't be on a BMXing track anyways) Bruh moment. No major injuries, just got a bit stung.
- Downed 3/4 of a bottle of Jack Daniels outside my college to celebrate my 18th coming up in 3 days. Again was majorly retarded, won't be doing that again ever. I got so drunk that I was detained by college campus security and my dad had to pick me up. Doesn't like me bringing it up lmao.
- Took up smoking at 16. Terrible idea ofc.
- Approached an alligator on a trip to florida. No injuries of course but man that was fucking stupid.
- Sat on the edge of huge mountains in california, specifically at yosemite and sequoia national park. No regrets, was great.
- Vandalism in general.
i shot myself with a BB gun, wanted to see how much it would hurt if i shot someone else and i started crying. it wasn't that stupid but admittedly i shouldn't of done it like this
My friends and I were on a field being hoons and I was getting it doing j turns, drifting, and small peel offs. This field was also at a random high school that none of my friends attended. My friend was surprised how well my car was doing stuff in the field so he wanted to give it a try, I let him drive and I realized I fucked up within 5 minutes. He does the same thing like me except this time he does a feel off on the spot and digs my tire into the ground. We didn't worry as there was another car there that could "easy get us out" tried to do so and got stuck. We were there for 3 hours on this field in an area that we were trespassing in, that we just completely destroyed by driving on it, and the worst part is that it's in view of the public road. Every single time a cop drove past we would just hope they didn't get us impounded or ticketed. My girlfriend showed up like 20 minutes after it happened with water so it wasn't that bad but my friend who was able to get us out was at work for a few hours.

TLDR got stuck in a blazing hot field for a few houses cause I let my friend drive my car. It took 3 hours to get a truck for us to get unstuck and it was on school property at a school we didn't even attend.
when I was like 4 I was shopping for groceries with my mom and dad in our local Kaufland and my dad said I could pay the cashier. I saw a man who I thought was my dad giving the cashier the money for groceries and I was enraged at this betreyal, so I knocked the money out the dude's hand thinking it was my dad only to find out it was a complete stranger paying for his own shit.
Wanted to do a bunny hop with my bmx I had when I was younger at the skate park. It had these sharp spikes on the pedals for grip, turns out the grip wasn't enough and my foot slipped off the pedal while trying to put force on it and fucking slammed into my shin cutting into the bone. Blood went streaming and I didn't have anything with me at the skate park, so I biked home in pain with blood streaming down my leg and fucked my shoe up. Can still feel it in my bone to this day.
I reserved my car out of parking space and then hit the car behind me (somehow even though I have a reversing camera and sensors) and then pulled forward and did the same thing again, I paid for the damage :)
Expert driver lol
You should implement some kind of code as in "always dodge to the right" so if you're facing each other you will go ur separate ways
I also have never broken a bone, welcome to the gang r/Neverbrokeabone