[Suggestion] The mayor

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 4.5
Your version of the rule:
4.5 The Mayor
The mayors public broadcast function is not to be abused or otherwise misused at any point. Mayors must not use derogatory or excessive language in there broadcasts and are expected to use it to inform the publIc with relevant information. The Mayor may not add-to, remove-from, and/or modify the Paralake Penal Code.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: no more will we get a red string of edgy, try hard cancer in the corner of our screen saying something like "HEIL HITLER DEATH TO BLACK PEOPLE FUCK THE POLICE XD" or "Haha u can't kill me fags". If we can't use adverts for stupid reasons then a mayor especially should avoid being an asshat with the broadcast system. Worst bit is it's quite often not funny and somewhat cringe what some of these people are saying in the broadcast system.
But when I'm mayor I always offer free re-education camps down at the farm :(
So how would I go about doing donald trump rp? He can tweet dumb shit and get away with it, so why can't the mayor in a game?
So how would I go about doing donald trump rp? He can tweet dumb shit and get away with it, so why can't the mayor in a game?

We arent forced to read Trumps Tweets. Mayors public broadcast system is something were forced to see when on the server
We arent forced to read Trumps Tweets. Mayors public broadcast system is something were forced to see when on the server
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