Super_'s 2nd Enforcer Application

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United Kingdom
IN-GAME NAME: Jack Morman
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:55675933
AGE: 17
COUNTRY: United Kingdom

Just a bit of background about myself: My name's Super_ or as everyone knows me on the server as Jack Morman. I joined PERPHeads back in early December of 2015 and have been a member of the community ever since. It's been great to see how far this community has come during my time in the community and the experiences and friendships I have made with many of the members here, including staff members and getting to know them well, and many other things.
Back in June, I was extremely grateful to have been given the rank of Enforcer after my application was accepted and was promoted to Moderator a short while later which allowed me to assist the other members of the staff team with enforcing the server rules and it was an absolute pleasure to do so. However, back in September, an incident occurred and I made a silly mistake which did, unfortunately, lead to me being demoted from Moderator and I accepted why I was demoted for it and respected that decision to remove the rank from me.
However, now that I've settled down in my new school, adapted well and have found a nice balance between it and PERP, as well as attempting to regain the trust I lost after that day, I do feel as if I am ready to come back to the staff team with a clean slate and prove myself once more.

I would like to become an Enforcer because back in my early days of PERP, I admired and was inspired by seeing staff members ensuring that the server rules are enforced and that any potential breakage of the rules are dealt with accordingly so the server is enjoyable for everyone who RPs on the server, which gave me the inspiration to hopefully become a staff member in the future
but I knew it would take a lot of time and dedication to learn about the server and the rules, laws, and other important stuff and build a reputation for myself on the server.
And so, I started to learn more and more about all the rules that the server has to gain a better understanding of each one and how I can ensure I don't break them and if I see potential rule breakages on the server, whenever I can, I make report so a staff member is aware of it and that they can deal with it.
During the course of the nearly two years that I have been a part of this community, I have been able to develop my understanding of the server in-general as well as developing myself in general, which has been demonstrated through displaying my knowledge and my characteristics and from what I have been told by members of the community and staff members: I am generally, a very friendly person as I always have a positive attitude in most situations I am involved with, I'm easily approachable, if there's an argument, I try my best to listen in to both sides and try to give my thoughts on the situation if it is appropriate and as far as I'm aware, I don't believe I have
beef or issues with anyone in the community, which is always great as I can always engage confidently in any situation and usually always have a good time. Wherever I can, I also help out with anything in the Help chat or OOC chat and just try to be friendly in general. I've also on a number of occasions worked alongside new players and help them get to grips with how the game mode works and answer any question they ask.

Another reason as to why I would like to become an Enforcer as that I have previously upheld the role before, which is a positive aspect as I can use my knowledge and experience that I have gained during my time as Enforcer and Moderator and apply it if this application is accepted. With this experience that I have gained, I am confidently able to handle a report to the best of my ability, use my knowledge of the server rules to determine if there has been a violation of rule(s), use all of the tools and features given to me to perform my duties to the best of my ability, determine when it is the best opportunity to intervene a situation where potential rule-breakage is occurring, and so forth. Overall, there are a lot of skills that I have learnt and hopefully, if I gain the position of Enforcer again, apply them to the best of my ability.

I am also quite involved with the Police Department as I currently uphold the rank of Lieutenant after placing many hours of work and dedication on duty to get to where I am currently and to better myself with my confidence of knowledge of the laws and policies in place. Apart from that, I also do quite a bit of off-duty work for the PD as well; I am currently a command member within Professional Standards, where I liaise with the other command members to ensure Internal Affairs and Policing & Policy are running smoothly as well as a variety of other tasks. I also am currently the acting Head of Policing & Policy, where I ensure all the general policies are kept up-to-date as well as ensuring the official Police Handbook is kept up-to-date and all information in there is correct and relevant. I'm also a member of Tactical Firearms Unit and I am currently applying to hopefully become a Tactical Firearms Training Officer. Apart from these divisions I am currently in, I've been in plenty of other divisions in the past such as Internal Affairs, People Services, Dispatch (Including being a command member), Academy, and finally, Road Traffic Unit. By being a part of these divisions, both past and present, I can use the knowledge that I have gained such as the laws and other skills and apply them to situations that can affect whether a rule has been violated or not, etc.

Overall, it has been a one heck of a ride being a part of the PERPHeads community for nearly two years now and being given so many opportunities during my time here, including becoming a staff member which was an absolute pleasure, and despite the incident that occurred, I feel as I am ready to become an Enforcer once more and give back to the community like I have done before.


Of course! I usually am on every day chilling in one of the PD channels, general channels or other members' personal channels'. If you need help, wanna have a chat, or anything else, feel free to poke me or join the channel that I am in! I'm usually always available!


Thank you for taking the time to read my 2nd enforcer application! All feedback and criticism are appreciated so I can gain a better understanding of what people see as my strengths and weaknesses and I can build upon them to become a better version of myself.

Now, I do know that this Enforcer application will be a controversial one considering the fact I was demoted from my Moderator position back in September, which can affect how people may interpret me as being untrustable with upholding a position within the staff team again, etc, and I completely understand why people may think that and I respect their opinion, however, I would like the chance to regain the trust that I had lost on that day and prove once again, I have the capability of upholding a position as a staff member once more!

  1. Your time played on the server must be at least one week.
  2. No recent bans and warnings on record for at least a period of a month, this includes both the forums and the server.
  3. You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws to the extent where you can Enforce them.
  4. You must have access to and use a microphone.
  5. You must maintain an active presence on the TeamSpeak Server
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United Kingdom, Devon
Seeing as I was involved in half of the reason for your demotion I honestly never wanted it to happen nor did I expect it to happen. You are great guy with great intentions mixed with your knowledge of rules and laws makes for a great staff member.

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100% fucking agree +motherfucking support, nicest kid on the server, never said a bad word towards me, was a great mod before, will be a great mod again.
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double mini roundabout
what kind of fool decides to demote a perfectly nice bloke who is genuinely here to help people on the server? oh right i cant say cus ill get cucked for slander but we all know who it is...........................

Bring him back he is actually a decent guy except on gta he just rdms you all the time
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You were one of the best moderators we have ever had and on behalf of the entire community we would love to have you back. People make mistakes, but you do not have to let one mistake define you for the rest of your life. #MakeSuperBlueAgain
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United Kingdom
You were an amazing moderator, I don't know what happened whether you got demoted or you resigned however I would love to see you back on the staff team


People who were demoted should not have their rank back

That is pathetic, you should leave feedback instead of just saying that. Previously, demoted staff have received second chance so how about not being a dickhead and leaving some real feedback.
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People who were demoted should not have their rank back
It completely depends on the circumstances imo. //phone
[DOUBLEPOST=1508662913,1508662828][/DOUBLEPOST]I really find it hard to understand how you can be so friendly and positive all of the time, it really is incredible. You have a strong knolwedge of the rules and a relatively clean record, and serve as an inspiration for many players, including myself. Best of luck.
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Nottingham, England
I'm still unsure of the exact reasoning to your demotion, the reason I've heard seems a tad pathetic: "never did anything else wrong and then just DCs once before a raid"(?).

I don't think the above is the true/full story but you were a pretty decent mod and probably have good potential. Only criticism I have is that you can be a bit overzealous a lot of the time and basically need to calm down a bit. Either way, good luck man.


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the crematorium
people who get demoted should not get their rank back because a change of any magnitude is incomprehensible

but for serious criticism, you planned this re-application straight after you got demoted. with all due respect I don't think your attitude post demotion was one of change, but one of biding your time and waiting till an arbitrary amount of time passed so you could re-apply.

Frankly I don't give a shit how minute the reason for your demotion was, your gave the impression you were entitled to it back without putting in any meaningful effort.
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Parts Unknown
From my experience it's pretty hard to get a moderator demoted and it would take at least 3 fuckups before it actually happens. Can you make public all the accepted staff complaints that got you demoted?

This way the public gets a better view on the severity of your demotion and if it's wise for you to return back as staff.


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the crematorium
From my experience it's pretty hard to get a moderator demoted and it would take at least 3 fuckups before it actually happens. Can you make public all the accepted staff complaints that got you demoted?

This way the public gets a better view on the severity of your demotion and if it's wise for you to return back as staff.

Thanks for reminding me of this:


I think this kind of sums up why I have issues with you becoming staff again, you are too easily influenced to do stupid shit by people around you and I feel like to try to find reasons within the rules to justify your actions when there really are none.
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United Kingdom
Thanks for reminding me of this:


I think this kind of sums up why I have issues with you becoming staff again, you are too easily influenced to do stupid shit by people around you and I feel like to try to find reasons within the rules to justify your actions when there really are none.

Thanks for reminding me of that; while I do admit that the incident was not a very intelligent thing for me to do while I was Enforcer previously and I was given a verbal warning (If that was correct) for that incident, that was not the reason as to why I was demoted from my moderator position. The reason why I was demoted was because of this:
Now, it may seem confusing as to why that was the reason but allow me to elaborate: the full footage displays me remaining idle inside Glass Co minutes before the incident occurred due to watching YouTube in Shift-Tab and when I tabbed back into the game, I had intentions of disconnecting due to it being late at night and nothing much was happening on the server itself. Now, I can't exactly remember why I decided to the next actions as displayed in the gif above, it display me noclipping out of Glass Co which was when I noticed @Cody Garrett car pull up through the use of the godstick. At the time, I didn't think much of it and decided to disconnect but what I was not aware was that Cody and @Husky were pulling up to raid and Husky's perspective, if he wishes to upload it, displays me being kicked out of noclip for a split second before disconnecting, which led to the staff complaint being made. From Senior Administration's point of view, this was seen as abuse, which of course, is zero-tolerance and I can understand why they saw it as that and I respect that.

So, yeah, this here is the reason as to why I was demoted from Moderator. Hope this gives everyone a better idea of what caused my demotion so you can decide whether I still would make a good Enforcer or not.


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the crematorium
You were not demoted solely for one incident. To make a decision to demote a moderator is a big one and I can assure you that your record was considered when deciding your demotion.

Please stop lowkey acting like you were demoted for one incident because as I have mentioned you had previously demonstrated your ineptitude as moderator.
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IKEA - Northern Europe
You were not demoted solely for one incident. To make a decision to demote a moderator is a big one and I can assure you that your record was considered when deciding your demotion.

Please stop lowkey acting like you were demoted for one incident because as I have mentioned you had previously demonstrated your ineptitude as moderator.
He was. Super had no prior staff warnings nor incidents that hurt him in a manner where it was something that stood onto his record as a staff member, now we dont know if it was to the point where Super lied about the situation or anything like that considering I know that Both @MrLewis @Bolli hate People lying about situations they have had a complaint for, plus I believe that if This was the case it is the one that makes more sense to me as of what I've heard Super was told that it was fine with him re-applying again after he has settled in college and Gotten into routines
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I can't accurately describe you as a previous staff member as I never really spoke to you nor was I active at the time(?).

However I feel its pretty recent since your demotion, I mean I know its pretty easy to make mistakes, take my warn/ban history for example, but being a staff member this feels like you should have known not to disconnect when someone is parking outside your property and the molotoving Jennifers. I don't know the full incident to your demotion, however, if you did lie about the situation I don't think you should be re-applying for quite some time.

I think for now I'm going to remain "neutral" on your application, just due to the complications with your demotion.

Best of luck!
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