Hey everyone!
As you all probably know I'm fairly experienced with Source Filmmaker as demonstrated with the multiple SFM renders I've made for PERP (most of which can be seen on the loading screen) and after brainstorming some ideas, I've decided to challenge myself by creating a short animation based on PERP. Creating animation is significantly more difficult as there are a lot more factors to take into consideration and so I'd thought I would document my progress here to share it with you guys and update it as I go along.
So, basic premise of the animation (subject to change):
As the animation is in a very early phase, I'm currently in the process of blocking the primary poses of the animation. The thing I've mainly worked on is the cop vaulting over the car's bonnet as I get a good reference for how to further block and eventually spline that bit of complex animation so that it looks fairly realistic. I'll probably make a few adjustments to the final pose in that GIF before proceeding with the rest of blocking as there is more blocking poses I've done that I haven't showed off yet.
Feel free to post any feedback or ideas!
As you all probably know I'm fairly experienced with Source Filmmaker as demonstrated with the multiple SFM renders I've made for PERP (most of which can be seen on the loading screen) and after brainstorming some ideas, I've decided to challenge myself by creating a short animation based on PERP. Creating animation is significantly more difficult as there are a lot more factors to take into consideration and so I'd thought I would document my progress here to share it with you guys and update it as I go along.
So, basic premise of the animation (subject to change):
- Takes place outside of bank during a bank robbery
- Protagonist is a cop armed only with a Berreta M9 and has only one full mag left
- Cop vaults over a LT+ cop car to duck behind from heavy incoming fire from bank robbers
- Cop takes a second to catch his breath before realising the slide on his M9 is back (realising his mag is empty)
- Cop reloads his pistol with his last full mag and takes a second to determine how he is going to proceed
- Cop glances over his car to then see a bank robber at the doors get shot down by a cop off screen - prompting the last bank robber on the roof to aim towards Safety First and fire
- Cop uses this opportunity to fire at the bank robber - missing a bunch of his shots to which the bank robber turns back towards the cop
- Just as the robber is about to fire at the cop, the cop fires again and manages to land a headshot on the bank robber - causing the bank robber to fall off the bank roof onto the sidewalk
- Cop sighs with relief - screen fades to black as animation ends
As the animation is in a very early phase, I'm currently in the process of blocking the primary poses of the animation. The thing I've mainly worked on is the cop vaulting over the car's bonnet as I get a good reference for how to further block and eventually spline that bit of complex animation so that it looks fairly realistic. I'll probably make a few adjustments to the final pose in that GIF before proceeding with the rest of blocking as there is more blocking poses I've done that I haven't showed off yet.

Feel free to post any feedback or ideas!