Team-speak helper rank

Reaction score
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Topic: Team-speak helper

Short explanation (in notes):
-Sit in the support channels and wait for people to come inside.
- Guide people around who's new to community in support channels.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Basically people could be waiting for hours and I was thinking last night that there should be a team-speak helper rank who goes around the team-speak and see if everything is okay e.g if there and argument between e.g John Hayton and Chris Rekton the team-speak helper attempts to calm it down and report it to the higher ups for them to take action.

The team-speak helper rank should have no rank in game but only on team-speak and the little image on the forums displaying that they're a team-speak helper so that if anyone needs help they message them or an staff member.

I know this rank kind of replaces what staff do regularly but still helpers can forward what happens to an Enforcer, Moderator ,Administrator or higher. The team-speak helpers shouldn't be able to give people warnings since that defeats the purpose of enforcer.

Above are, our team-speak support channels where the team-speak helper could sit inside the channel (if it gets accepted) and wait for people to request for help and then drag them into the support channel this can be used for directed players to content packs, rules and many more.
If any support comes up about ban requests, basing or in-game functions they would be dealt with by the staff team.

This image is kind of basic, this was just an image that I copied over another senior member / staff members badged. (This is my concept for the forums)

To become a team-speak helper you would need to apply for it on the forums and have to be able to speak clearly.

Possibility for a forum helper too?

Optional additions:
- You decide in comments.

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I honestly cant find a reason as for why this would be needed, and I dont think you would sit there all day just waiting as those channels are rarely used for anything but people who needs an administrators help. Also I dont see reason for anyone to know that you are one on the forums.
  • I honestly cant find a reason as for why this would be needed, and I dont think you would sit there all day just waiting as those channels are rarely used for anything but people who needs an administrators help. Also I dont see reason for anyone to know that you are one on the forums.

I honestly cant find a reason as for why this would be needed
People need help from time to time but some staff don't see it for a long period of time.

I dont think you would sit there all day just waiting
I sit in the General channel with my microphone muted, (I sat in team-speak last night for 11 hours)

Also I dont see reason for anyone to know that you are one on the forums
So people can direct message you for you to come on team-speak or to request help over the forums.

@John Daymon
It's a quite good idea imo. Staff members on Teamspeak are always busy with Admin sits, mostly leaving people in support channels alone. + support
I like the idea, it will mean people will be able to receive help as soon as possible and without having to sit and wait someone to come to their rescue.

One question though. Does the helper enforce the teamspeak rules, or JUST assist those who need it?
There is a reason for my avatar " poke if you need help : )) "

But sure, dont see a problemo adding a rank so we staff members can deal with in game sit.
Do not think anyone wants to sit in a channel and wait all day if someone might need help.
It would be better if someone or some people that actually is on Teamspeak each day can help to ensure that people who need help get help from the moderators, if they cant poke or get a hold of some staffmembers themselves (For some reason..)
But having a channel specially for helpers to sit in the sound a bit extreme.

There is always Enforcers who are eager to help so i don't see the problem really.
The shoutbox is already there for a reason. Sure, questions might be ignored because of banter overflow but if you keep asking from time to time it will get noticed. Helping people in the support channel was fun for me back when I was an Enforcer, often people poked me and asked for help, so I joined their channel or PMed them in TS since mostly other staff members were busy with something else at the time.
I personally dont think this is needed. There's always a moderator online and if there isnt just PM us on the forum or just ask in the shoutbox.

We use the forum as our hub unlike other communities that use Teamspeak.

As for us "not doing our job" - You are entitled to have that opinion but all the staff are trained to deal with all types of situations and do so. The reason activity is currently on a low is due to exams.
As a user you're more than welcome to try and help someone out who's in a requesting support channel! I don't believe there is a need to make a specific rank for users to be able to do so.

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