Teamspeak, join it.

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California - Istanbul
Hey guys. I'll show you two screenshots that I took few seconds ago.

28 people on the server but only 3 at the teamspeak. The teamspeak count doesn't change when the server is 50/50 too. Which upsets me a lot because it's much fun when people are on TS, talking about OOC stuff, life etc. And also RPing at the same time. Just get on the TS and get chattin you peeps.

Uncle Bob Williams Approves!
I also want to encourage people or even orgs to use Teamspeak since we will be making channels for the orgs who wish to have a private channel. The channel will be password protected and the owner of the Org can choose the password. isn't the ip, it's a domain..
how could you confuse this ruby?
I am so disappointed.

Anyways, get on that teamspeak!
I wish too that more people went on the Teamspeak besides a few regulars. It's a great way to communicate!
I would also like to have more people on the forums, it feels so empty at times :(
It's much popular now, I thank all the people who comes to the teamspeak and makes it a better place.

If you still haven't tried the teamspeak you should come and give it a try, we won't bite ;)
I guess it's quite empty because players probably do not know that the server has a Teamspeak server, maybe i, but it's fun being in teamspeak with others and talking. so yeah
Everytime I attempted to connect to the perpheads teamspeak 3 on mobile it says: Error, could not validate client identity. (24)
Max said:
Everytime I attempted to connect to the perpheads teamspeak 3 on mobile it says: Error, could not validate client identity. (24)
I had something similar, and it did some security check thing which took a while before i could joing ts
I understand why there's no one in the TS with all those yelling and squeakers. When I'm gaming I need to focus on ingame sound and voices