Server Suggestion Tell players when they're being searched

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Suggestion Title: Tell players when they're being searched
Suggestion Description: Add an indicator of some sort when someone searches another player: an animation, a message (the ones on the lower right), a sound, or whatever deemed appropriate.

Why should this be added?:
- Right now, if a Police Officer searches someone, there's no external indicator for anyone. I believe this is allowing some officers to do sneaky illegal searches, with no way for anyone other than staff to check.

What negatives could this have?:
- I believe the /me was removed before. Make it a more discreet indicator, or at least tell the person being searched.

Useful Images:
I believe if you’re an officer under the rank of Corporal they have to give consent to search you, i dont think anyone at all would risk their rank to search a person what are they gonna do anyways? Can’t just arrest him after an illegal and unlawful search as how would the officer know the suspect has illegal items on him?
I believe if you’re an officer under the rank of Corporal they have to give consent to search you, i dont think anyone at all would risk their rank to search a person what are they gonna do anyways? Can’t just arrest him after an illegal and unlawful search as how would the officer know the suspect has illegal items on him?
Only officers have to consent SOs and up don't need consent
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