Police Suggestion TFU Application rework

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Brief description of idea: Rework the application, its currently a bit excessive the amount that is expected for applicants and TFTOs to write/review. Literally no need for this much work to become a virtual swat member, I've seen word requirements less than tfu apps on essays

What benefits would this idea have for the department: less work for tftos applicants, a bit more obvious what you're actually marked on and doesn't require someone to write filler text.

What potential negatives could this have for the department: Less information provided to a person

Other additions: Not sure if the PLPD update covers this
It's being worked on.
I don't really see a need to rework it, It's fine as it is.
If you dont want to show that much dedication, are you really willing to put effort into being a decent TFU member? 150 words or so per question isnt that much. Get over it. If it was easier to get in, we would have less quality TFU members, that dont know what theyre doing.
It’s going to be reworked after this cycle ends however making it require less writing isn’t the idea with the rework. I’ll take note of your complaint though.

An interesting point to make is quite often we have applicants who don’t write literal essays for answers who pass because they include relevant information. Each question requires 75-150 words depending on the question. Quality over quantity.

I've seen word requirements less than tfu apps on essays
This is the biggest question, most questions have a 75-100 minimum, which again isn’t much.
a bit more obvious what you're actually marked on

How would this make it any easier to know what you’re being marked on? You’re being marked on your knowledge and ability to make a plan taking the 5(+1) principals of TFU into account.

However, suggestion noted, will keep it in mind when I overhaul stage 1 once this cycle has ended.
My only input in this is that currently, the stage 2 feels slightly unnecessary, we know how to throw flashbangs.
It could be summed up in a 5 minute video given to candidates.
The stage 3, I haven’t met a single person who hasn’t hated it. It doesn’t test you on skill whatsoever, and you often aren’t given opportunities to show things they want you to show, as you turn up to a situation and one of the trainers is on top of an impossible to climb building with an AS50 and your dead within 30 seconds.
I failed the first stage 3 I attempted, and passed the second one, I have no doubt in my mind that I didn’t improve since the first time I attended, I just got unlucky on the first one.
“ as you turn up to a situation and one of the trainers is on top of an impossible to climb building with an AS50 and your dead within 30 seconds.” I attended both of your stage 3’s and this didn’t happen lol.
Also worth noting that stage 2 is now EOD training, M24 training, breaching tactics and flashbang tactics instead of “just flashbang training”.
the reason why we apply for these roles is so that we are competent, its the same as a theory test for driving license.
You must love writing useless stuff if you're a sergeant in the department, I mean it's to mainly test you on the aspects of what you would be doing, if you can't explain or understand the situation; maybe you shouldn't be tfu?
tbh, i only threw a flash like two times before, i found the stage 2 actually usefull, so you'll get to know the equipment before being marked on the stage 3!
That sounds like a better stage 2, though my guess is its still 1-2 hours long for something you can learn from a 5-10 minutes video. On the stage 3, I turned up to a situation at bazzar and was near instantly sniped from someone with an AS50 on the top of the vehicle repair place
@CensoredExe To be honest, I'm pretty sure that happend, I remember there being someone on top of Veikko with a sniper, however it's not impossible to get up there
With most of the PD applications, everyone puts waffle and filler text in. It just shows that you've got some dedication uno
@CensoredExe was this on the one you passed on? Yeah, a lot was done there that could be questionable. AS50's will not be used in TFU stage 3's.
Benji is working on this and as a TFU trainer I can tell you we will be getting good changes in the future. However, people have said the stage 2 is useless however it is really not, some applicants have never used a stun before us teaching them. We have also added more training which actually makes the stage 2 more effiecient somehow ( sniper training, weapon explanations, bomb defusing and flashes).
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