Police Suggestion TFU Application availability change.

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Brief description of idea: Allow any ranked officer in the PLPD to apply for TFU. (Except for probationary officers of course)

What benefits would this idea have for the department: An increase in applicants, expanding the manpower TFU has available. TFU Training would still weed out terrible people anyway but overall give everyone equal opportunity to apply. There shouldn't be a grind to get somewhere in the PD, I certainly don't want to spend three years in a make believe police department to get a few more pistols available to me. I'd like to be able to apply immediately and if I fail it's due to incompetence.

What potential negatives could this have for the department: Chances for minges getting TFU.

Other additions: (more of an additional comment instead): You shouldn't be afraid to change the minimum requirement. If it does turn out to be a terrible thing, revert it.
You can't compare that, it all depends on the raiders' skills, and usually they surpass cops' skill. However that's rather irrelevant to the topic. Allow anyone to apply for TFU, you'd still have to go through the application process to prove you're competent, no issues.
@Daigestive Because atleast you have a better chance of recruiting someone with actually decent aim for once. Also, as far as I'm aware, I've spent a lot of time trying to get one taps, but usually it ends with me getting sprayed down by some pre-firing Olsen guy with a rifle.
@Daigestive Police have armour that's shredded in 2 bullets and guns that do peanuts in damage. Although they don't have to pay, it still results in death half the time.
@Daigestive Atleast I have a better chance of dealing with the situation. As well as the fact that more applicants means a higher pool of competent officers that have good aim. It means less death.

Also, if TFU slots are high at 4, why don't you lower them? It doesn't really seem to affect anything since we usually end up getting mowed down anyway. If a TFO dies with a full M4 and kevlar, what makes you think an officer with a Beretta/Glock is gonna do anything to that guy? It might not be an issue with equipment for the TFO... it might be an issue with the TFO itself.
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@Daigestive I'm aware, I do try and hit, but usually it ends with me getting prefired by some guy with a rifle. When I try and shoot him after he's run behind cover "IA IA YOU CAN'T WALLBANG OMG NO". The point of having a larger pool of applicants means that atleast you have a higher number of competent people playing.
@Daigestive For starters you won't have a semi auto pistol that might as well be a PPK for all I care since my experiences with them have usually been shit. When I was TFU I was actually able to put down some work and stop most of the people I dealt with. I was actually competent when I was TFU and used my equipment correctly, I even used some of the tactics I learned successfully. I understand you want TFU to be exclusive to people with competence but you won't get anyone applying when you limit rank restrictions to SO when there might be Officers who actually understand the importance of tactics and shootouts.
Dude, the requirements are literally to become a Senior Officer and have half a brain hemisphere. If you are struggling to get Senior Officer idk what to tell you
I mean I'm almost Senior, I have no issue with getting Senior. It's just I know a lot of people that would be good TFOs, but the need to put in the effort to get Senior (ORs, the application process and paragraphs you have to write) puts them off. I know it might be a them-problem, but I do hear a lot of people complain about it. (No I'm not gonna start naming names.)
But SO application process also discourage people from applying in the first place as you'll effectively have to go through several application processes to get where you want to be. I've never patrolled with you Dai, so I don't understand where you got that from. This isn't about me, this is about removing the rank requirement for applying to TFU, not my little crusade as a TFO.
I do have to say that TFU is easier to join that ever. My application process was applying, a simple training to get you familiar with your equipment and then the final test which is just a few TFU day-to-day situations. All this happened within a week or two.

But nevertheless, SWAT was less about grinding who can be the best. Anyone could join, it didn't affect the max officer counter. SWAT was fun. You played SWAT after you were done being a civ and it was a great way for me as a newbie to explore weapons which I would lose otherwise on the first attempt of using them. SWAT was about telling your friend who rarely plays cop to hop on, so yo could hang out inside PD until something happened. When SWAT was a thing I didn't doubt about getting premium every month, but now it seems like premium doesn't give you anything except the things which are literally required to play the game.
I'll keep on saying it. SWAT was bae and you can't change our will. YOU WILL NEVER TAKE OUR FREEDOM. Make SWAT a reality.

Vote for Tilin, ACoD 2020 and make SWAT a reality again.
@Daigestive Just for confirmation, to get TFU you have to.

Get SO, which I agree is easy, but it's just tedious since if you miss getting your app in (like I did since my application missed getting accepted before the meeting), you have to wait another two weeks before it's gets considered. That puts off a lot of players already.

Congrats, you now have SO. You now have to apply for TFU, IIRC from someone telling me, TFU apps have to be marked on your first stage, something else you have to wait for. Then you have to wait for your Stage 2, which AFAIK takes ages from the amount of people begging for their Stage 2's to be done, and then the same thing with Stage 3's which is even worse because that's the final stage. It puts a lot of people off that they have to wait that long just to have a higher chance to not get instantly black-screened by some mug with an AK, all because he paid for his AK you think this is all good.

People claim this server isn't pay to win, but you basically tell us that we should have a lower chance of winning gunfights due to bad gear since the enemies paid for their weapons.
No one has ever thought im not going to apply for SO because Id have to apply again for TFO
@Daigestive "God I can't be arsed it's fucking effort." - A lot of people

<Removed for Slander>

And for reference, I have no issue getting SO since my application's going well so far. I back this suggestion because I feel it could be good to actually revive some level of competency in the PD.
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I applied for SO like everyone else 4 times. Ive applied for TFU twice and been reinstated 2 times. But im not going to argue with you being salty your aims too bad to win shootouts. Instead of blaming it on the gamemode being balanced get better.
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