Police Suggestion TFU Application rework

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Brief description of idea: Rework the application, its currently a bit excessive the amount that is expected for applicants and TFTOs to write/review. Literally no need for this much work to become a virtual swat member, I've seen word requirements less than tfu apps on essays

What benefits would this idea have for the department: less work for tftos applicants, a bit more obvious what you're actually marked on and doesn't require someone to write filler text.

What potential negatives could this have for the department: Less information provided to a person

Other additions: Not sure if the PLPD update covers this
@BigBenji idk if its changed since i did it, but it felt like you could fail purely because you got sniped from such a weird spot, meaning you cant display any of the things they wish to see because you died within 30 seconds
@CensoredExe Having recently attended stage 2, i can say that it was actrually quite helpful and not long what so ever. It was over within 45 minutes, mightve even been less and was actually fun. We got to Throw flashbangs, defuse a bomb, test the sniper ect.
@Alan Erwin It took some time, it was about 1 hour 30 but 30 mins of that was giving you something more to do, Like a practice raid at a secret location, we don't tell anyone about.
Why do TFU act like they are actually competent? you're complete horse shit and spend half your time flash banging each other, bring back SWAT already so the forums isn't filled with garbage like this
To much work these days to get an m4. Its crazy how much time you need to spend to get TFU. We need to remember its just a game. Not a career....

Abso-fucking-lutely my cheetah skin wearing friend, I agree with this wholeheartedly. Supports both the average player and long serving PD.
You’ll be pleased to know that I’ve been pitching this idea to momo and the rest of the command team since I got lieutenant. Personally, the only real reason in my opinion that there is a rank requirement for TFU in its current state is due to there being patrol duties behind it.
As it stands, despite some of my trainers not agreeing with this suggestion, I can kind of See the issue here. You are not required to write an awful lot to become TFU as I demonstrated above, but the more you write, the more likely you are to hit the marking criteria, so it makes sense that certain people feel as though they are inclined to write an awful lot.

As the community evolves, and standards, atmospheres and player bases change, Adjustments must be made to meet the current player base.

I spent the better part of the afternoon and evening brainstorming with some TFU members, including Trainers, existing TFU, and potentially upcoming TFU, and I have made the decision to replace some of the written questions with several multiple choice questions so all you have to do is click the right answer. To compensate and ensure the pass score stays relatively the same as before, there will be a fairly Large amount of multiple choice questions. Also, There will still be written questions. Just less.
The plan I’ve been pitching for awhile now is heavy gear shouldnt have a Rank requirement, just a recently clean bans or infractions record.
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