Police Suggestion TFU Application availability change.

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Brief description of idea: Allow any ranked officer in the PLPD to apply for TFU. (Except for probationary officers of course)

What benefits would this idea have for the department: An increase in applicants, expanding the manpower TFU has available. TFU Training would still weed out terrible people anyway but overall give everyone equal opportunity to apply. There shouldn't be a grind to get somewhere in the PD, I certainly don't want to spend three years in a make believe police department to get a few more pistols available to me. I'd like to be able to apply immediately and if I fail it's due to incompetence.

What potential negatives could this have for the department: Chances for minges getting TFU.

Other additions: (more of an additional comment instead): You shouldn't be afraid to change the minimum requirement. If it does turn out to be a terrible thing, revert it.
@Daigestive The apps themselves act as a barrier, a behemoth wall that many (some maybe great future TFOs) will look at and realise they dont have the time to pour into it. Plus the fact that you have to wait ages just to get that part of your app (the stage 2 and 3) will put off most people who actually have lives to live.
@Daigestive This makes no sense, playtime a month has nothing to do with a player's skill. I sure as fuck wouldn't want to come from a different community into this and be treated as if I can't do anything when previously I was very good at doing my job, tactics, teamwork, etc. (as an example)

It's about the opportunity, not about direct benefits from changing it, it's all about long term benefits. You'd get more applicants, and if it really isn't working out within like 4, 6 or 12 months, just revert it, it's such a simple change but you just refuse to do it. I don't understand why you're so worked up and against this. It's a simple change that virtually changes almost nothing but the amount of applicants. You're forcing people through several application processes that can last for as long as two to three months. I really don't want to do that, it's tedious, excessive, discouraging and boring.
Easy, ok sure but it's so time consuming to the point that you'll have a Bugatti by the time the apps are done.
The better question is why it takes so long? It's like you can't be bothered to do the job you were assigned.
You don’t have to work hard for SO, as long as you are not retarded or got recent infractions, you will get it...

Difference between Officer and SO is that Officer rank is for people who do not want to progress within the department, they also have no activity requirement.

If it takes you 3 years to get SO then you won’t be accepted for TFU either as you then have failed completely to understand policies, laws and basic policing. Don’t try to say that it’s hard to get SO, getting SO is easy, just don’t be stupid and you will get it. Only check that is in place is a basic application to make sure you know the basics..
Unlike NPC everyone against SWAT. I actually collected votes and it turned in favor of SWAT coming back. My biggest point of returning SWAT is still that this is a game. People expect things to happen instantly not over the application process of a few days.
@Samuel How hard you work is again irrelevant, apps take forever and by the time you've passed, or failed you'll already practically be done with perp. I don't remember how many times I tried for SGT but it feels like I attempted at least twice, in which both times took forever I just gave up. I also accidentally answered incorrectly once which IIRC even with a support ticket wasn't resurrected so I completely gave up on the system itself after my application was denied and eventually resigned to Officer from CPL. This was well over a year ago so it could be something else I'm thinking of, but I'm pretty sure that's how it went. I know I don't want to spend 3 months applying for stuff. I'd rather pay for premium and go on duty as SWAT, or join a different community that hasn't become as elitist and exclusive as this one has. Equal opportunity is certainly here, it's all about waiting people out so they give up. I've seen faster response times on applications in several different communities than I've seen here.

I also see no attempts at trying to make the gamemode more inviting for newer players, or easier to learn through the tutorial mode I've heard so much about. If you want to be this stubborn about something so simple, go ahead. The complete whitelist and unnecessary addition of several ranks killed it IMO. SGT and LT was enough, it was the urge for more realism that ultimately killed this community. It's actually so realistic I could honestly get dressed in my shittily made uniform I bought form IKEA, IRL and become a dispatcher over a microphone in a lousy box of a room called the dispatcher's office where I'll sit on shift for 8 hours a day for literally no pay or enjoyment whatsoever. This gamemode is honestly comparable to APB Reloaded, you shoot things up, fight the police head on as a civilian as if that's completely normal and realistic in real life, with AK's, sniper rifles, grenades, incendiaries and other explosives of course, to which you use money you gain from it on more guns or better ones, better cars and join some cult for a better chance of winning shootouts.

I certainly don't see the roleplay in that, just change the title to Cops V Robbers already since you seem so attached to the way perp works right now that you're willing to fight yourself to death online to keep it as is, not daring to change anything because you're afraid it's going to put your virtual position in the community in danger. You've essentially become valve, too afraid to make moves because you think it'll cause a load of drama. Perp is so toxic now you're bound to receive passive aggressive insults like @Daigestive threw around earlier regarding mine and @Dan's aim, deliberately or accidentally I don't care.

You know what's so great about saying I could go to another community and have ten times more fun than I am having here? With the same concept? It's you Dai or Samuel telling me that I should just go. Because this proves my point that PERP has become such a toxic community that only cares about its people in power, everyone else is lower class and treated as if they're not relevant regarding anything. It's only the people that you respect or care about that'll ultimately get anywhere. You need training wheels (a buddy) to get almost anywhere here. I've tried several times to suggest improvements only to have them go ignored, only to be picked up later by someone who already has the spotlight shone on them, and then be credited as the guy that came with the original idea. My FF/EMS suggestion has been open since 2017 IIRC, and is meant as a direct improvement to what it is now. Flat out ignored for ages.

I've reported several bugs, made several suggestions, given feedback yet I'm almost never credited for it. I don't see a mention in any of the update posts. Everything flows silently by, overshadowed by the fact that there's new content. There's almost no borders to how far some people in this community will go to get someone else punished, just so they can get their $5001 pistol back. No one seems to know when to draw a line and say a game is a game, I've never in my life had to argue so much about a game I've been drawn into for ages, in desperate attempts to improve it, bring it back to it's old golden age, yet they're futile attempts because changes that have already been made can't ever be reverted because it's something that's been "extensively worked on, hard" even though it's obviously what's killing the community. Only when the community is completely dead will you realize that what you've done is left your city hall in an empty desert devoid of life, food and water. You've shoved away everyone that tries to help, and from then on there's almost nothing you can do to resurrect perp from that point other than to start again.

You're mentally exhausted before you even get anywhere in; if you can even call it "this community" that you give up near the end because you realize that it's not worth continuing, sell your PC and get a job, or you give up at the start realizing how much of a grind it is to go anywhere. No thanks.
Today was the day that my sweater asked me "How to make meth" and I couldn't answer him. The more I play, the more exclusive the server is becoming for older players. But the issue is... No game can exist without the flow of new players. Old ones eventually leave.. but new ones.. they are the only source of players.

We focused too much on making players stay, instead of making new ones come. We focused on making content for older players. People that are not affected by these changes, making the changes to the whole server and so on and so forth.

The drug system is getting more idiotic with time. We are getting updates we don't need.

The mouths haven't been moving for 2 years now, yet we get nothing regarding that.

Instead of focusing on problems like maybe how to balance out organisations, to prevent one big zerg fucking everyone and them leaving, we rather give content to that zerg. Or we introduce the PD update, create TFU so there's even more reasons for zergs.
@Tilin I had to make a guide for myself on how to make meth, and I spent almost an entire day doing that. I've been distributing it to people who ask, and especially to new people, but there's just a lack of new people.
@Tilin I was part of this “vote” and there was no actual option to say “keep TFU” because it was a change.org petition that got like 12 signatures?
You’re a supervisor so I really can’t grasp how you seem to think getting TFU is hard.

“SWAT won every raid”. Really? I seem to always remember SWAT dying first to a single person with an M4 whilst the Remington wielding cops, who later became TFU, were the ones getting all the kills, doing hostage negotiations, etc.

SWAT also allowed anyone without a PLPD.online account to take lead in a shootout. We really don’t want that, the AR’s and reports made on SWAT members were plentiful and took up a lot of staff time.
If you really think someone who didn’t pass a senior officer application cycle is to be entrusted with automatic weapons and breaching charges then you are solemnly mistaken.

TFU being Cpl+ was great because TFU would need a high rank to command other officers. It was lowered to senior officer because Realistically the majority of the PD at the time held the rank of SO And officer. Seniors still can command and unranked officers.

TFUs Responsibilities include hostage negotiation and rescue, being in the heat of a shootout, responding to major firearms incidents, and performing raids, stuff unranked officers often need ALOT of help with.

Even if we did this, and allowed anyone to apply for TFU, it’d make sod all difference as the people who want TFU and wish to skip the rank requirement wouldn’t pass anyways.
I think TFU applications should only be lowered to Senior Officer in times where TFU desperately needs members.

SWAT at this point can't come back, PLPD got too serious of a system now. Although, I was never opposed to SWAT.

I think what we should do is to see what improvements are about to come to TFU, then go from there. We can't halt progress that is already half way through.

Then again we also have this:
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